2016 Sew Sweet Bee and Stash

January 16, 2016

I've hardly touched my sewing machine in weeks, thus the silence here on my blog. If not for the Sew Sweet Bee block I needed to make for dear Jane, my sewing machine wouldn't have been turned on! Not because I don't want to, but because my sewing mojo has run away. I hope it comes back soon!

The block Jane requested for her month as queen bee was the sailboat block from the Fatquarter Shop Snapshots quilt along. Her quilt will be so cute!

One of my self imposed goals this year is to not buy more stash, except for fabric I would need to help use what I have and only if necessary. That said, I am allowing a few exceptions. ;-) And, in my defense, much of what you will see today, I ordered last year. =) 

I think you can easily guess why I had to have Cotton and Steel's new line called Clover. =) Those lambs!! Eeep!

I also picked up the Cotton and Steel fat quarter basics. The colors are so wonderful! 

And the last splurge was a half yard bundle of V and Co Ombre fabrics. Don't they look nice with the Cotton and Steel fabrics? I wish you could see them in real life. They really shine....

 My other exception I posted about last month, Little Ruby. That will certainly join my stash. Ruby was the one line I regret not buying more of the first time it came out. I am not making that mistake again. =) 

I'm off to surf Pinterest to get some inspiration! 

Have a happy weekend!! 

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  1. I totally understand the mojo thing. I had to shut down my sewing room for over 2 weeks, since we had relatives in for the holidays. I've been in my sewing room, and worked on a few 'must be done' projects, but, can't seem to 'get started' on several other projects, including 3 new exchanges I signed up for. Lots of ideas, not much follow thru. Hope your mojo comes back soon (mine, too).

  2. Sweet acquisitions. I a trying to be good too, and use what I have. The sheep on the fabric is very sweet!

  3. I am in the use what you have mood but just visited my favorite shop owner and bought a jelly roll and two charm packs of Strawberry Fields Revisited by Fig Tree. She also shared a couple of new things I don't think I can pass up. I am sure that your mojo will return soon, I enjoy seeing your projects. I worked on a mystery quilt last night and felt it coming back a little for me.

  4. Your block turned out great. I still need to make my block for her, I should have time tomorrow since school is out for MLK day.

  5. Oh that Cotton and Steel.... those lambs. I have to have those too.
    I will put it on my Amazon wish list and maybe there will be some left for me by mother's day. :-/
    Yep, I have been trying to get back into it, I put two projects on "stand by" to get through the Christmas festivities, and now, with all of my precious acquisitions I want to start two different quilts.... so, I have seriously wondered where I can put up two more design walls.... ?? over the tv? no too high.
    Well, Amy, you have secured some real gems here.
    We need to get moving, maybe first make some cinnamon rolls....
    Stay warm and cozy, and always LOOK busy. It's important.
    -- Hubbs seems to think we should buy a new dryer bc I accidentally stepped on the door... I bent something and now it won't shut. whatever. ....A new dryer? I don't think so. Imagine how much fabric I could buy?
    I think I will try to fix it myself. Maybe go online and find some fixer manual. lol
    Happy Sunday evening

  6. Janes block turned out beautifully. I am not sure where my time goes but there has not been much time to sew here either. I miss my sewing room.
    Hope you have a beautiful week.

  7. Been too sick to sew here, and for some reason I can't think straight about what I want to work on....I think I need vitamins, lol!!! Maybe vitamin Q, for quilting? Love your new fabrics!

  8. That really is a great sailboat block. Love your fabrics for it, too! Speaking of fabric love - those new acquisitions are really pretty - look forward to seeing them appear in something. :D


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