Temperature Quilt

April 16, 2018

We are experiencing the winter that never ends here in Iowa. Since I can't get into my gardens to get them cleaned up, I might as well spend my day in my sewing room, right?

Here are the Grunge fabrics all in a row. Aren't they pretty? 

Karen @ Where Is My Seam Ripper shared with me her idea of using spreadsheets to get organized, so I spent several days creating several that I have found to be quite helpful. You will find the links at the bottom of this post. I have never shared links to files before, so if you have any trouble downloading them, please let me know. 

I labeled baggies with the temperature and put the fabric name inside to keep it all organized. After I get caught up, I will make squircles and cut squares ahead to have ready to go. 

I chose to make my quilting with squircles (high temperature) appliqued on squares (low temperature). You can find an example of how I make the squircles on my Dresden Plate Mini tutorial

Because I am three months behind, I set up a system to get caught up faster. I chose one temperature squircle to work on and found the days where it was the high temperature. I got out all the low-temperature squares out and dated them. After the squircles were made, it was glued to the square and set aside until I could get it appliqued. I have a spreadsheet for that, too. Again, you will find all the links to my files at the end of my post. 

Making progress!! I hope some yellows, oranges, pinks, and reds show up soon!! 

Thanks for stopping by and have a happy week! 


  1. I so admire your patience and organization with this new sweet project! Looking forward to your progress with it. We too, have a winter that doesn't want to end. Ice Storm on the weekend - more snow today. Love your flower pic with all the snow on them. It always reminds me of how forgiving the flowers are - they shake things off and smile brightly just the same!

  2. So very sorry about the ongoing winter. But it does give you a reason to sew :-)

  3. I hear you about the weather. Looked out and it was snowing. Saw your fabrics and thought awesome! Wow you are doing great. I am about 10 days behind right now. I have a spreadsheet set up for my temps. I just have a list of my ranges with the colors next to them. I do have my fabrics all labeled and bagged and tagged though.

  4. What a wonderful Temperature Quilt design! It's snowing here in NE IN today, as Spring continues to delay. I hope we do not jump straight to sweltering Summer, missing Spring. I'm using pieced Hexies for my temperature quilt, and just caught up on individual days a few days ago and have started sewing them together. http://schutt.net/sharon/2018/02/one-monthly-goal-february-finish-2/

  5. WOW Amy, what a cool project. Grunge fabrics are cool. There are so many incredible fabrics now. We are so lucky to just be surrounded by so many prettty things

    I know you are so sickkkkk of the snow and mess, but.... it is "magical" right??

    Spring is always madness here on the East Coast. Last Thursday and Friday I had shorts on!!! Pink ones! Then the rain came and that was okay, then the wind, and now we are freezing our butts off again
    I know you are sick of your winter coat too.
    We had a very cold dry windy winter. I love snow, but I hate the mess

    Staying inside to sew is always heavenly. I love these circle squares.
    I hope you have another content day today. ❤️❤️❤️ I am going out to drive quickly on busy roads with maniacs and visit my daughter and her baby. We are probably going to stay inside bc it is going to be ....cold and windy today.

  6. I agree, I'm sick of winter. Another 1+ inch of snow is expected Wednesday, then maybe we'll get a tiny bit of warmth (still below normal temps for the foreseeable future). I'm ready for Spring.

  7. That looks so fantastic! I need to get started on mine. Almost a third of the year is already over. Yikes!

  8. I think we've finally turned the corner here in Michigan - chilly but no more snow! I can't believe how organized you are on this quilt, that's amazing!

  9. love this project! starting one of my own for 2020! What size square did you use?

  10. I may have missed this, but how do I know how much fabric of each color should I purchase? Fat Quarter enough... ?

    1. It is impossible to predict since your amount of fabric is determined by what your temperature will be. If you have many hot days, you will need more fabric of those colors. If you live in a cool climate, you will need more fabric of those colors. This is why I chose to use fabrics that could be reordered if I ran low. I purchased fat quarters for the extreme temperatures and began with half yards of the other colors. Some I needed to order more, others, I didn't. I hope this helps!

    2. Makes sense ! Thanks so much ! I taught my granddaughter to crochet one of these type of things, but then the thought occurred to make a quilt one !! Thanks for your help and files that will help me figure this out !

  11. You are very welcome! I also chose fabric that I knew I wouldn't mind having in my stash if there was left overs. 😄

  12. Hi I was curious about your squicircle. The link you gave for minidresden has nothing about squicircle. Should I be looking elsewhere?


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