Sew Together Bag updated and other projects

October 17, 2019

After I finished the Free-Wheeling Single Girl quilt, I got on a roll and have been working like the energizer bunny getting things that have been sitting around done. 

The longest project waiting to get my attention was my Sew Together Bag that I made in 2014!! I never liked the binding that I used on it and the zipper was not a good one. I kept it hidden in a cupboard all these years and never used it because I didn't like it. You can read about my Sew Together Bag here if you want. 

This is the before...

And this is how it looks now! So much better, don't you think?! The binding and zipper that I have been dreading to redo these last 5 years, gave me no trouble at all! I am no longer ashamed of it! In fact, I want to make another one!!

I also made some journal covers for notebooks just for fun. This one is going to be used for keeping track of quilt ideas and notes on the quilts I am working on. The pattern I used is the Quilted Bible Cover tutorial by Amy Ellis.

My traveling journal got a new cover, too. 

Last spring, I basted 3 baby quilts and then they sat. Here are two of them. The third is waiting for binding. 

 The center block of this quilt was a test block variation I was trying out and it turned into an orphan block. I snowballed the corners and framed it out until it was big enough to use as a baby quilt. 

This baby quilt used the leftover half-square triangles that were cut off in the making of Love You More quilt that I made in the spring

After taking almost 3 months off from playing in my sewing room, I seriously wondered if I would ever enjoy my hobby again. I still have some projects I need to get to that I am not super excited about. I figure they can sit until I am. In the meantime, I am only going to work on things that bring happiness. 

Next time I will share the two big projects that I finished! 


  1. Great finishes. I want to make a sew together bag. I finally bought some fabric which I think will be fun. I hear you sometimes it is just so hard to get to that finish. I know my challenge quilt when I finished the paper piecing I was just "Over It" and I still had quilting and binding to do.

  2. Wow! You got lots of great work finished! Your bag does look much cheerier and friendly with the new binding on it, and I really, REALLY love the baby quilt you made from the orphan block. :)

  3. I like the changes you made to the bag, I am sure you will use it now. I have been working to complete projects, your post has inspired me to keep at it. I know it is important to work on things that make you happy to be doing, not just because they are there. By the way, thanks for sharing the backs of your quilts.

  4. Beautiful finishes, Amy!! Love the new orange binding you did on your pouch - and the quilts are absolutely gorgeous!! I'm plugging away at some of my 'old' fabrics that I've wanted to use up awhile ago. Slow and steady :)!! Enjoy your time in your sewing room!

  5. I love little projects (which are sometimes more difficult than busting out a quilt) very much. Your bags are great, and they will be useful

    The baby quilts are adorable. The first one is so pretty. I want to make one too

  6. You are certainly a real sew-getter!! :) Love especially your journal covers, and all your finishes are great and encouraging for you I know!


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