It's time!!!

March 12, 2008

Don't ya think??

Russ thinks so too, so this is what will be in our living room in a few weeks. :o)


  1. WOO HOO!!!! How FUN to get some new furniture!

    Congratulations! Looks like leather also. Wish I'd considered that when buying new 12 years ago. :)

  2. Marilyn@A Mixed BouquetWednesday, March 12, 2008

    Oh, that looks so comfortable!! I want leather this time. Jenni has one and it's so comfy and has been durable with the kids.

    Our living room furniture is 24 years old and I now have slipcovers on them. They can be a pain, but don't require daily work as I expected. One day soon...

    Enjoy your new furniture!

  3. It's lovely, Amy, and looks very inviting! :-)

  4. Oh, I dunno. The new furniture is sooo pretty but that first chair looks like, he,..smiling? ;)


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