Childhood Memories Friday

February 13, 2009

First things first, lest you get in trouble like Reagan just did. I know the items you will see are dusty. If it bothers anyone, you are more than welcome to come take care of that for me. After I informed Reagan of that, he decided they looked just fine to him. ;o)

Now that that's out of the way...I'm going to share a few things from my printer's drawer from my childhood.
The "J" pin was my mother's mother. Her name was Josephine. Not Josie, though you could get away with calling her Jo. Never Josie! Her title was "mother", not "ma" or "mom." She wore gaudy jewelry.

The house block came from a set of building blocks we once had.

Grandma Josephine's pin from a hairstyling school. She got into BIG trouble with my mom once. My sister had very long and beautiful hair when she was 3. Grandma cut it super short and permed it, without asking my mom!! Mom didn't talk to her mother for as long, long time.

This is my highschool class right. My mom said I could only get silver. I wanted gold. And I had to get the free stone, a black onyx, instead of a pretty colored stone. I wore it for less than a month. However, my sister got a gold highschool ring with a pretty stone. No, I am not bitter. ;o)

My Bluebird Girls key chain and my roller skate's key. I used to wear the key on a black velvet rope around my neck. I can still feel it swaying back and forth as I skated up and down the sidewalk in front of my house.

A Campfire Girl token of some sort and my Blue Bird girl's ring. I don't see any dust? Do you??

I have no idea where the Peru pin came from or where the bus token came from. I've never ridden the city bus.

A couple of my birth stone rings. I paid $1 for each of them at the local jewelry store in town.

A sample bottle of my mom's favorite perfume. My mom made the cake for me after I was grown and out of the house. She was into ceramics for a while. I don't think there was a craft she didn't try at least once.
One of two heart shaped barrettes that once belonged to my nieces. I had Haley wear it in her 3-year-old portrait. I'd love to have Brooklyn wear them in a picture some day. :o)

I have no idea where I got the Coke bottle. Isn't it cute?!

This is a small clay vase that once had straw flowers glued in it. My mom painted the picture of the birds on it. It matched the wallpaper that was in my room.

Come join us on Childhood Memories Friday.
Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose. ~From the television show The Wonder Years


  1. First, let me reassure you, that no one can see ANY dust or dirt or hair.....

    As much as I love all these keepsakes (and particularly the story about Grandmother cutting sister's hair - egads!), I really appreciate that you just go ahead and photograph and post without worrying about dusting and detailing - - - - you definitely have the right idea about things; I could learn from you!

  2. Dust, what dust?

    What a fun post! I love that you display your treasures.

  3. That is really a clever idea to display all those. I have a lot of the same kind of things but they are in my jewelry box. I will have to look for something like that and put it in my bedroom. Thanks for the idea!

  4. Amy, I was a bit spoiled and got exactly what I wanted for my class ring, and I still only wore it for a very short while.

    I loved seeing your keepsakes. I wish I had more of mine. I think my mom used to sneak in and pare down my stuff when I was at play. I was/am a packrat, and she's not. ;-Þ


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