
June 24, 2009

After the storm blew through, look at the work of art God created for us....It was a perfect rainbow where we could see it end to end. I wish I had a better camera that could have caught it's full majesty.

Thank you, Father, for being a FAITHFUL God. One that ALWAYS keeps promises. One that is TRUSTWORTHY and TRUE.


  1. It looks wonderful, Amy, actually, almost like it isn't a rainbow, but yet a special touch of God's glory to us in another form...I love it!

    blessings and hugs,


  2. That was a dilly of a storm, wasn't it? It wasn't as bad my direction. That picture is awesome! Thanks for sharing! God Bless!


  3. LOVE it! I always love to see a rainbow and remember God keeps His promises!!

    Thanks for sharing.

  4. What a gorgeous photo!!!!!! So much beauty surrounds us.


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