Busy days...

June 3, 2009

I am so far behind on visiting my dear friends' blogs.

Hello! *waving* I haven't forgotten you!!

This week we are busy getting ready for our camping vacation and next week will be the vacation, so my blog will be quiet.

A small piece of good news for me is I am feeling so much better. I'm not tired all the time! Either the supplements I am taking are working, or it's all in my head. :-P No matter. I'm grateful!

Sue, Life is the Lemonade You Make, will appreciate this....Sims 3 is awesome!

Talk with you all soon!! :-D


  1. I'm so thankful you are feeling better! Have fun getting ready for your trip and the trip itself. We'll be camping the end of the month. Can't wait!

    "See" you when you return :-)

  2. *waving back* Hiya! You are one busy gal. But it's a happy busy because you'll soon be on vacay...woo for you! Glad you're feeling good, too. Have loads of fun on your vacation and do a lot of relaxing!


  3. Glad to hear you are feeling bettter!!! Have a fantastic vacation!!

  4. Hey you... I concur! I'm enjoying it (Sims3) very much myself, although I'm finding it hard to get anything of importance accomplished this week - hee hee.

    Hope you're having a WONDERFUL week of vacation!

    We'll have to dish over our Sims when you get back ;-)



I am so grateful to all of you who take the time to leave a comment!
I will respond to your comment/questions in an email unless you have your email hidden. In that case, I will reply to your comment on my blog. Also, I apologize for having to block anonymous users - too much spam was coming through.

Grace and peace to all of you!

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