
June 3, 2010

We got home yesterday afternoon from our vacation visiting my only daughter and her husband in Virginia. They bought their first house. They will be stuck with us coming to visit often now that we have a place to stay for free. Somehow, I don't think she minds...

First things first, on the way out to Virginia, we stopped to visit the Creation Museum. For me, the best part was hanging out with hundreds of Christians. One brother gave us a coupon as we were in line and saved us the cost of two tickets to get in! The pictures at the Creation Museum website are much better than the ones I took, so check it out.

This scene had me laughing at the Creation Museum's petting zoo. The peacock was trying so hard to scare Mr. Wallaby.

It didn't work...

But he sure was determined...

...and beautiful.

Next up, the gorgeous drive on Skyline View at Shenandoah National Park. Just look at the stunning mountains and the deep cool valleys. 

Oh, and the mountain laurel is in full bloom...What a lovely flower. 

Whats that? 

You can't see anything? 

Well, that would be because my camera lost it's brains and would not turn on. I was not a happy camper. Russ suggested I use my cell phone camera. Picture this...Me with my puny cell phone camera next to serious photographers and their $1000's plus slr cameras. Ummm, no thank you. So, use your imagination or go to the Shenandoah National Park website. 

Just in case you are wondering, I'm still bitter. 

My camera did redeem its self by the time we went to the Luray Caverns. Now that was an awesome sight! Don't look for any pictures of Mitchell. He decided we were going too slow and went ahead. We didn't see him until we left the caverns. I've lost all control...No, I am not proud of that.

I took this picture on our way home because I got such a kick out of it...

No one in their right mind would call this manly-man "yeller." 

Now I'm back to the real world. Back to a house that needs a serious cleaning, piles of dirty laundry and a very, very Kermit-the-Frog-green swimming pool.

And I am happy to be home...


  1. Glad you had a good trip. No place like home even if it means work. Chris


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