Block-A-Palooza quilt top

March 27, 2011

The Block-a-palooza ended last week with three layouts to choose from. 

I chose the on point layout since I had never tried it before and because this quilt had me out of my comfort zone many times over, I figured it was the best way to bring it to a close. But, I also wanted to do some applique...

So I made some flowers...

...and added them to the yellow squares.

I this quilt!!

Thank you, Quilt Dad, and all of the other Block-A-Palooza team members, for making this quilt along so much fun! 


  1. Another great finish so quickly, you are on a roll, Amy!

  2. Hi Amy,
    I'm out of town at my sister's house in SC checking your blog. LOVE your quilt! I think I'm picking the 1st option of applique because it's so different, but when I get back home I have to order some mine isn't going to be a quilt top for another week or so. I love what you decided on! Great job!

  3. Oh I just love your quilt top!! And your touches of flowers are so charming!! :o)
    Have a great week.
    Sincerely, Trish

  4. What a great way to finish this quilt! I love your added applique - it not only personalizes your quilt, but it breaks up those large spaces - the perfect solution!

  5. this is so great. i love the flowers that you added in

  6. That turned out SO great!!! Love the applique flowers. Just that perfect extra touch to complete the quilt.

  7. If that doesn't scream spring, I don't know what does! Just beautiful!


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