
March 24, 2011

My Casey and I made tutus today for some special little girls in our lives....We followed the tutorial on Precious Cupcakes. Easy and fun!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that brings back memories! One year, as Christmas approached, there wasn't very much money for gifts for our 3 kids. I did have fabric though - ranging from fake fur, to cottons, to tulle. We found a large box with an attached lid, covered it in leftover wallpaper to match the girls' room, and then we filled it with all sorts of dress-up items. I made a tutu for each of the girls, "fur" stoles, and a few other things. We added tiaras from the dollar store, and ladies' purses from a thrift shop - spent about $10. and it was the girl's favourite gift that year!
    We don't have any grands yet, but I'll have to remember the tutorial you posted - the tutus there were really cute!


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