
April 29, 2011

Just so you know...

* My life is far from perfect. I am a selfish, self centered sinner, saved by Grace by a good God, Jesus Christ.

I am Unspeakably Sinful.

* I appreciate all of you and am so grateful for all the encouragement I receive. I apologize for being so far behind in responding to your comments. Forgive me?

Good intentions...Or biting off more than I can chew.

April 27, 2011

I intended to do some hand quilting with the perle thread...

Really! I did!

 However, the size of the quilt, {90 x 70} has me overwhelmed. 

Of course, I reserve the right to change my mind...


He is risen indeed...

April 24, 2011

Created by Eric Novak from Chicago IL


April 21, 2011

Progress...And another decision

Just to give you an idea of what I am planning on doing, none of the plates are attached and are just tossed for the photo op. 

The thing I am disappointed with is the yellow centers are very see through. Even if I cut out the green background, it's still doesn't look right.  I tested it last night by tucking a piece of batting behind the center of the plate. 

My solution, adding one more smaller circle for the center in the plates. 

Cooking 101

April 19, 2011

Me: Okay, Mitchell...It's time to learn how to cook.
Mitchell: I can cook! 
Me: Macaroni and cheese out of a box does not count!
Mitchell: Mom! I can make spaghetti! 
Me: Sauce out of a jar doesn't not count as cooking either.

Meatloaf, however, does count! Yummy!

Decisions, decisions...

I am considering doing some hand quilting with perle thread...Seriously enough that I asked Madame Samm...yes...the famous Madame Samm of Sew WE Quilt @ Stash Manicure...how she quilts her quilts. Have you seen her work? Cute, I tell you...CUTE!

Go ahead...Go check it out...Day Bed Quilt.

Am I right?? Seriously...

So, I asked her a question on her blog about it, and lo and behold, she asked for my telephone number! Yup...I'm hobnobbing with the famous now. *grin* 

Now to decide what to do and how. Some machine quilting and accent with the stitching? Or all hand quilting? 

Thanks, Samm, for your help...It was a real pleasure chatting with you tonight. =)

Tuesday Morning bargains on Thursday afternoon

April 15, 2011

 Tuesday Morning is one of my favorite stores to wander around in. They have everything there!  Linens and dog toys...Toys for kids and luggage...Oriental rugs and party supplies....It's a great place to find gifts for all occasions.  

I hadn't been there in a while so I popped in to look around yesterday since I was already out and about. I bought some great stuff!

First, though, I wanted to share with you my favorite scissors of all time. Westcott Titanium bonded 5" micro-tipped scissors.  

I stumbled on them by accident last year at Target on their clearance rack. They were selling for $3. If I had known how amazing they were, I would have bought them all, then and there. They are super sharp and I use them mainly for thread snipping. 

I tie a scrap of selvedge on all my fabric scissors so everyone knows they are mine and not to be used for paper. 

Okay...Back to Tuesday Morning! I found some great stuff for the sewing room....

Fabric...I am not a huge jelly roll fan, but at $15, I could be. Now I can try some of the jelly roll patterns out there and see if I want to be a jelly roll fan. 

I've been wanting to try fabric sheets for my printer, but the price has always given me pause, even on sale. At this discounted price, I am willing to give them a try to see how they work.

Has anyone used this product? For $3 I thought it would be worth a try...I've been wanting to try to do some applique and this looks easy enough. 

Quilt hangers. Maybe I can find a place to display a quilt in my home somewhere. 

Aleen's No-Sew fabric glue...Not sure what to use it for, but the price was right. If anyone has some suggestions for me, I am all ears!

Two June Tailor 6 1/2 inch rotary cutter rulers. 

And lastly, a cute find...At least I think so, a magnetic bulletin board...It could be used for Karen's @ Sew Many Ways clever idea

I just noticed you can see my reflection in the wrapper!!

 Have you found any fun bargains lately? 

Gigi's Tulips

April 14, 2011

Once upon a time, I was blessed enough to do day care for a sweet and very tiny little girl named Gigi aka The Princess...Gigi was blessed with the gift of Down Syndrome and I was privileged to have had a window of time where I could pour out my love upon this miracle child. 

This quilt is for my friend who was Gigi's foster mom...30's fabric because she loves all things vintage and tulips because of the poem Welcome to Holland

I sure miss her seeing her sweet little face....

Yeah for flowers!

April 13, 2011

Spring is here! 

Don't you just love the gas meter right on the front of the house? I try to hide it's hideous ugliness with the flowers and still allow the meter reader to read it...

Tulips: The big picture

Of course there are things I would have done differently, but for the most part, I like it. 

Now to decide what to do for the border and then make the binding.

Making friends with Tipsy

April 12, 2011

It's going okay. =) When I get anxious, I just park her and go check my emails, read a blog post or two and then go back up to try again.

The thread I am using for the bobbin and top thread is Connecting Threads Essential Cotton quilting thread. I've always liked their thread and it's working nicely. No thread breakage or tension problems.

God is being kind to me. =)


April 11, 2011

Quilting Tulips

I gotta really buckle down and get moving if I am going to get this done by the 22nd of April...I have 4 of the 9 squares done...I have been wondering, thought, is it possible to put it on my quilting frame after all the straight line quilting is done and do a bit of meandering in the yellow parts of the blocks with Tipsy? Or is that a big no-no? 

Table runner

April 6, 2011

Also for my mother-in-love....

It's so wonderful seeing flowers again!

He delights in the asking...

April 4, 2011

A girl and her tutu...

April 3, 2011

This sweet little girl is my granddaughter, Brooklyn. The young man behind her is her birthfather, my son. Brooklyn was placed for adoption at birth. We are very blessed to be part of an open adoption.

Looking at her face makes me smile...

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