Christmas Quilts

September 30, 2011

Left over yardage + scraps and mix in one charm pack = two Christmas baby quilts.  

One is 45" x 45". The other is 45" x 57".  

I made up the pattern as I went along. 

Heading to Wisconsin tomorrow to see my grandson Lucas. I can not wait!


September 26, 2011

My first grandson, Lucas. I don't have great pictures yet, but I will work with what I have.

The stats:
  • 9pounds 4 ounces (same as his daddy)
  • 21 " long (same as his daddy)
  • born via c-section (same as his daddy) 
  • Spent first day in NICU. He is doing fine. They had some concerns that he aspirated some meconium.  (same as his daddy) 
Seeing a theme here?

The first glimpse of him that the parents saw was a polaroid picture of him  (same as me).

 The first time to see him was in NICU (same as me).

Lucas and his daddy
Lucas and his momm

Projects, finishes and news

A sneak peek at a baby quilt I started for a dear friend of mine who is expecting baby number 5. She is having a boy, however, her only daughter is convinced she is having a sister. =)

I only have 1 1/2 rows done out of 10 in the pinwheel quilt and have put in at least ten hours already. It's a bit overwhelming, so I am only working on it in spurts here and there. 

I had several HST left over from the tulip quilts, so I played around with them and came up with these blocks. I have no plans for them yet. I think they are cute. =)

The baby quilt got finished. I love split 9 patches...

Back of the quilt.

All wrapped up in a bow with a rattle, ready to be delivered. 

Oh....One more small thing. 

I have a new grandchild! My first grandson Lucas was born yesterday. I can't wait to meet him. =)

Lucas and his daddy

French Hatbox

September 22, 2011

 Just a friendly reminder...

If you have a Tuesday Morning shop near you, check it out. You just might find a jelly roll like this one. =)

Vintage Table

September 19, 2011

I forgot to show you my new kitchen table that I am using in my sewing room. 

How many of you grew up with one like it? I remember in the first house I lived in, our counters were gray and pink with boomerang designs. 

We had a new baby girl born at our church, so I am trying to get this done for her. =) 

However, I won't get to sew on it today. Instead, I am busy with my little guys.... =) There is a reason we have children when we are young. I am just sayin'! Whew...

Bring it!

Found this on Pinterest and thought it was funny....=D

Ruler hanger idea

September 17, 2011

I was catching up on emails this morning and followed a link to a gadget that sparked my own idea. Don't you love it when that happens? 

A few months ago, I picked up these vintage swinging kitchen towel bars for 75¢ a piece. 

I squeezed it to release it from the wall bracket part. 

I picked up tons of packages of these rings last year when they were on clearance. I knew I would find uses for them. 

Slide them on and replace the bar.

Ta-da! A way to hang rulers, patterns or anything else you can think of. 

All that's left to do is to clean up the hangers and find a place to hang them up. 

Have a great weekend!

Prairie points, pinwheels and dolly dresses

September 14, 2011

I've been a busy bee getting some unfinished projects done. I have only two more to go. The pinwheel quilt is pinned and the quilting has begun. The tulip quilt is waiting. It feels good to be so close to being caught up! =)

Here are the quilts I have been working on the last week or so. 

I seriously love this quilt. 

I love every thing about it...

I love the 30's fabric, I love the pinwheels and

I love the prairie points. 

They were a bit fussy to work with to get them all evenly spaced, but it wasn't hard, so I would use them again. They really dress up the quilt.

This picture was taken after coming straight from the dryer. They all lay almost perfectly. 

Here is the back with an orphan block. 

It was quilted using my Juki and with Tipsy and measure a little over 50" x 50". 

I'm going to hang it up in my sewing room so I can enjoy it.

Next up, the dolly dresses quilt.

{Note to self: The right fabric binding choice can make a huge difference in how a quilt looks.}

I love the green polka dot binding. It frames it nicely.

  I used simple stitch in the ditch  to outline the dresses

and added just a touch of rick rack to some of them. 

Again, I used my Juki and Tipsy to quilt it and it measures 48" x 48". 

And lastly, a simple strip quilt. It measures 40" x 40". 

It was a good week to get some UFO's done and I also got some serious stash busting done, too. 


September 6, 2011

This is a glorious doctrine!!

Sad news from a blogging friend

September 3, 2011

My friend, John'aLee and her family received some very sad news today. Her soon-to-be-son-in-law was killed in Afghanistan.

You can go here to leave your words of support, prayers and comfort.


September 2, 2011

New curtains for the room.

 Ahhhhh, much better...

No, I didn't forget to make a curtain for the desk. 



What is that on the desk? 

Could it be? 

It is! My winnings from the Wantobe Quilters campaign

I feel so loved....

Pieces of Contentment

I received a comment on my latest post at my quilting blog from someone I had not heard from before. One of the first things I do when someone new shows up on either of my blogs is to go check out their blogs. Thats how I make new friends. =) When I saw her blog, I was blown away....It's stunning and I knew I had to share it with all of you, too. 

This is what the blog author, Pieces of Sunshine has to say in her introduction:

Constantly amazed by the grace of God, I live each day surrounded by the beauty and demands of my 8 children and loving husband. I look for, and find, evidence of His love and the peace only He can give as day turns into night, and night back into day...... I marvel at God's creativity and seem to spend most of my time forging order, faith, peace and joy within our everyday homeschooling life. Having some creative endeavours of my own in progress gives me great satisfaction and adds to my sense of contentment - a tangible reminder of how my days have passed.

This is a blog you will want to go visit and visit often. The photography is gorgeous and she obviously loves the Lord Jesus Christ! 

I consider it a huge bonus that Pieces of Sunshine is from Australia. Why? Because its spring time in Australia, so as my days get shorter and colder, I can live vicariously through her blog to see color and warmth and remember that God is faithful. Contentment is something I struggle with and I'm sure this sister in Christ will have much to teach me about finding pieces of contentment in my own life. 

Sweetly Sunkissed

September 1, 2011

Remember when I asked you all about your thoughts on this quilt? 

I was smart enough to listen to you wise ones and take the time to tear it apart to remake it. 
I am very glad I did!

The final measurement of the quilt is 38" x 38" and the fabrics used are scraps of Sunkissed by Moda left over from the Block- A- Palooza quilt along

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