Pieces of Contentment

September 2, 2011

I received a comment on my latest post at my quilting blog from someone I had not heard from before. One of the first things I do when someone new shows up on either of my blogs is to go check out their blogs. Thats how I make new friends. =) When I saw her blog, I was blown away....It's stunning and I knew I had to share it with all of you, too. 

This is what the blog author, Pieces of Sunshine has to say in her introduction:

Constantly amazed by the grace of God, I live each day surrounded by the beauty and demands of my 8 children and loving husband. I look for, and find, evidence of His love and the peace only He can give as day turns into night, and night back into day...... I marvel at God's creativity and seem to spend most of my time forging order, faith, peace and joy within our everyday homeschooling life. Having some creative endeavours of my own in progress gives me great satisfaction and adds to my sense of contentment - a tangible reminder of how my days have passed.

This is a blog you will want to go visit and visit often. The photography is gorgeous and she obviously loves the Lord Jesus Christ! 

I consider it a huge bonus that Pieces of Sunshine is from Australia. Why? Because its spring time in Australia, so as my days get shorter and colder, I can live vicariously through her blog to see color and warmth and remember that God is faithful. Contentment is something I struggle with and I'm sure this sister in Christ will have much to teach me about finding pieces of contentment in my own life. 


  1. Thanks Amy. Her photography is amazing! Definitely a spirit lifter!

  2. Wonderful!!! Thank you for the link and the pieces of sunshine you share! Blessings!

  3. Wow, Amy, thanks for letting us know about this lovely blog. As a retired homeschooler I can identify with her very much! Her photography is beautiful, and as you said, it is pleasant to see the different seasons there.

  4. I noticed that you are from Marion, Iowa, well I am living in Paris, TN now but my husband and I moved here from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Your blog is so refreshing. I feel inspired. Thank you much.


I am so grateful to all of you who take the time to leave a comment!
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Grace and peace to all of you!

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