New fabric...A Celebration

February 20, 2012

I loved it when I first saw it years ago...

I didn't own any until last week...

Brenda had a tag sale and my hubby bought it for me for Valentime's Day. 

Ok, the truth is...when I ordered the fabric it just happened to be around Valentine's Day, so I am calling it my Valentine's Day gift. 

I don't know what quilt pattern I want to use yet.   

For now, I like looking at it. =) 


  1. So pretty! It would always make a lovely dresden, don't you think?

  2. these are such tidy and pretty stacks of fabrics!

  3. It looks like you need to apply for membership to the "Fabric Fondler's Anonymous" club! Enjoy!

  4. I really like those! What are you planning for them? Dresdens are all the rage right now it seems.

  5. Oh wow Amy,it's beautiful!! Can't wait to see what you create.

  6. Lucky girl! I love looking at it too! It's beautiful! Can't wait to see what you do with it! :)


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