Happy Saturday!

March 31, 2012

While we were in Des Moines for the Mock Trial regional competition, we hit a few thrift stores and quilt stores. These are just a few things that found their way home with me. =) 

Lamb planter

Milk Glass Table set. Notice it comes with a saccharine jar. Remember when saccharine looked like little pills? 

Small shaker (salt or pepper) prayer lady.

Feather pillows. One is vintage.

A few things from the quilt stores. Love the circle pattern by American Jane

Vintage pillow cases. Love the bluebird one!
 As for the Mock Trial competition, the kids did very well! I believe this was their first time going to state. They were placed 7th out of 32 and won a very prestigious award called the Judge Anthony Critelli award. 

Now it's time to get back to some laundry and a wee bit of sewing. I am making a surprise for a friend. Who that friend is needs to be a secret for now. =) 


  1. Wonderful finds...lucky you!!

  2. You found some lovely treasures!! Love the lamb planter, and milk glass set!! Have a wonderful weekend! xo Heather

  3. It is so wonderful how things follow us home;-) I had a ton of vintage sheets and pillowcases follow me home. All washed, but now the pressing. Funny how a "ironing" person didn't come home too.

    blessings, jilly

  4. fun! fun! fun on several fronts. Woohoo on 7th place.

  5. You find the bestest goodies! Good for you!
    Congrats to the team as well! 7th out of 32 is fantastic for a first time - and a prize for professional conduct and decorum - NICE!

  6. fantastic win for the kids...congrats!! AND fantastic shopping for you too!!


  7. YOu have a great eye for lovely treasures....

  8. Congrats to the kids! You found some great stuff :)

  9. Looks like you got lots of treasures! My favorite is the Milk Glass table set! Wish I could come across a set like that. I love milk glass and collect salt & pepper shakers. Take care! :)

  10. The pillowcases! Oh my. :)


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