
March 8, 2012

First, thank you all for your notes of kindness concerning my very bad time last weekend. 

I am overwhelmed...In a good way. =) 

This weekend is a women's retreat for the ladies in my church. It will be good to get away and have some time to laugh with those who love me, warts and all....

On to sewing stuff. =) 

I want to take something with me to the retreat to keep my fingers busy if I get anxious or just need some quiet time. I am a social introvert....outgoing, talkative (too much, if you know what I mean) and I can have a good time in a large gathering, but then I need some quiet time to recharge. 

I spent all day Tuesday trying to decide what to do and make...

Yesterday, I spent all day beginning this project. I have no idea if I will get far enough to take it with me to hand quilt or not, but I am going to try.

I have always L.O.V.E.D this quilt:

Photo: Down to Sew 
And I dug into my scraps. That's so hard for me to do. I worry about being not being matchy-matchy. I love what others can do with their scraps and I decided to just go for it and see what happens.  

Scrap pile

Same scrap pile, but tossed


Trimmings on the floor. 

Trimmed and ready to be made into blocks. 
I need to get busy if I am going to have a quilt top sandwiched and ready for tomorrow. =) 

I guess I should pack, too...

And do the last minute things for my son's senior recital that's on Sunday...

Have a great day, everyone!


  1. I do hope you enjoy yourself this weekend. Look forward to seeing how your new quilt comes out.

    blessings, jilly

  2. Hi, Amy~

    I can't wait to see your quilt when you are finished with it....I know it will be BEAUTIFUL!

    Oh, how I love our women's group at church. We have such an awesome group of ladies and our time of fellowship is always sweet! I pray yours will be too this weekend.



  3. A Ladies retreat sounds like just what you've been needing. Relax and soak it all in.

  4. Hooray! You have such pretty scraps! Glad you finally started this quilt-sounds like you will have it done in no time!

  5. Hi Amy, I hope you have a lovely weekend and your new project is so nice!! I ordered that Dresden ruler you blogged about in January; it arrived last week and now it is staring me in the eye... BUT I will first finish a UFO before I start something new...


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Grace and peace to all of you!

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