A present...For ME?

March 5, 2012

Donna @ Donna's Lavender Nest sent me a surprise package....

Chocolate aways a welcome treat. Gotta hide it from the fam...

A peek at some PINK....All wrapped up in lavender goodness. 

A glimpse of a rose...

A lovely pin cushion! My very first one!

The detailing is so pretty....Done to perfection.

Red lace and everything!

And the pins...Oh, my....


Thank you so very much for your kindness and generosity. I am deeply touched by your gift and I will treasure it always. 

It couldn't be more perfect...


  1. That is the cutest Pin Cushion I've ever seen!!! Donna...you did a GREAT job! Enjoy~ ♥♥♥

  2. Amy I can not believe it got there so fast. It is my pleasure. I am so glad you like it.

  3. That is so cool. I hope it cheered you some. Love you!

  4. How very cute!! And it's your FIRST one???? What a great way to start a collection :-)

  5. Sew sweet! What nice treats you received. Hope your week is getting better and better.

  6. what an adorable pincushion....it sure does not hurt that it came with chocolate!!!

  7. Presents are always a lift to the spirit. That was so nice of your friend Donna. And well done also.


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