
March 19, 2012

Well...That was easier than I thought it would be. =) 

I decided to use vintage sheets. 

 I didn't want to put binding on the seat cushion cover, so I sewed it right sides together and turned it right side out through the zipper opening. 

Using piping on the edge would be cute...

The only zipper I had on hand that was long enough was purple. It works for me! 


  1. Wow, that looks great! You are so clever! It looks so professional!!!!!!

  2. Really cute you get to use your vintage sheets! Very nice work! I love purple on anything! ♥♥♥

  3. It looks great! Pink and purple go together! :)

  4. It works very well and, I love your pink vintage sheet collection. Nice finish!

  5. I don't mind the purple zipper either! The cushion sure is prettier than the other one! You did a great job. I'm a little behind on my blog reading. Your camera case is just adorable!

  6. A great idea for some of my vintage sheets. I don't do zippers though. They scare me!! I'm not the best seamstress and you are so much talented.
    Gmama Jane


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