Mish mash...

March 25, 2012

Friday: College tour for Reagan. He will be going to our local community college to get the core classes out of the way (and save money since he can live at home and the courses are cheaper) and then he will be transferring to a 4 year college. As for what college, that decision hasn't been made yet. 

See my hubby in the green shirt? He is 40 pounds lighter! No pics of me, but I am also about 20 pounds lighter! Whoop!! How are we doing it? The old fashioned way. We count calories and  make wise food choices. I write down every thing I put in my mouth. My favorite app for that is My Fitness Pal. 

This week Reagan's Mock Trial team is going to state. We will be going to cheer him and his team on. Can you tell he is playing the part of a professor? 

My Haley asked for some pillows for her couch. The fabric she chose from my stash just screamed modern quilting, so that what I did. This is one of the two I have gotten finished. I have two more to go. Orange has never been one of my favorite colors, but I am really loving it with this blue. 

Mitchell is on the farm for a few days. He is helping with the lambing. =) He loves the farm and was planning on spending all spring break there, but mock trial interferred. He is an alternate so he has to go. It will be a good experience for him, but I do feel bad about him missing time at the farm. There is always this summer, though. 

This is what I have gotten done with my Jilly fabric. The Dresden's are huge!! 20"! I had enough to make 3 plates, so the decision is to make a desk topper where I have my computer. Did I ever mention that I moved my computer and office up to my sewing room? Well, I did, so this will be where I can see and enjoy it often. I am thinking about adding another boarder so I can make the edges scalloped. 

I meant to crop out my feet in this picture....

And lastly, some sad news....Lucas and his mom have moved back to WI, so I won't get to see my little Mister very often. 

That's all I have to say about that...

Talk to you all soon!!


  1. Oh, what a fun pillow!! Isn't that the sweetest lamb! :) LOve the dresdens!! I can't wait to see the desk topper finished! :) xo Heather

  2. Just love the pillow....

    What a cutie at the end.

  3. So sorry about Lucas. I hope you get to see him lots. Cute pillow and great dresdens.

  4. Congratulations on the weight loss!! I need to follow your lead...
    Thanks for the lamb pic too! We haven't had any yet, and I'm getting antsy!
    Why do I suspect you'll be spending more time on the computer..? I know that I would with such a fantastic desk-cover!
    Hope Reagan and his team do well with their mock trial!

  5. I have to google what "mock trial" means. I have no idea at the moment ;-)
    But all in all it looks like you are a really happy familiy. Thanks for letting us take a peek in your private life. And you got lambs(!) as a wool-adict i love these cuties :-)

    Congrats to your weightloss. I'm still struggling with mine, and loosing. But not weight...for the moment. Hope there will be better times...

    Send you a big hug :-)

  6. Oh so your son is the same age as my oldest. Such an exciting time.

    I'm doing Lose It! which is like myfitnesspal. My daughter is doing it with me, it's so nice to have someone else in the house doing the same thing. I'm going on my 4th week and down 15. She's on her first and down 8! Husband has lost 4 by getting stuck what I buy/cook lol.

  7. A couple of thoughts on your post...I can't even imagine how cute the baby lamb is in person. I just want to touch it! Second, you must be proud of your son and thirdly, your husband looks like he could be my husband's brother, or at the very least, a stunt double. He, too is losing weight, but through a "biggest loser" contest at his work and he is doing quite well. He is down to 243 from 258. And I'm not sure how Lucas is related to you, but he, too, is an adorable lambie. Who wouldn't miss that cute little face! Also, you must be the world's fastest quilt piecer. You are amazing!

  8. this was a great mish mosh...what a sweet little lamb!! sorry that your little has moved, i know how hard that can be.

  9. I love that app for the ipad as well as it has stuff that you can have here in New Zealand although I have to convert everyhting to calories.
    I am pleased you have success - I will try again
    diane, New Zealand

  10. Amy, congratulations on your weight loss!! That's fantastic!!


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