A Farmer's Wife Quilt-Along

June 25, 2012

I am so excited to get this Farmer's Wife Quilt-Along started! Thanks for all the feedback and the encouragement. =) 

First, for those who would want one, I made a button. I like buttons. =) I like making them, too. You can find it in my sidebar on the right. Simply copy the code in the text box and paste it into your own blog sidebar. I assume you all know how to do that. If not, just let me know. 

For those who are visiting for the first time, the reason why I am starting another Farmer's Wife quilt-along instead of joining the ones already happening out in the blog world is because I felt funny jumping in the middle of the established groups...Lets just say I have left over hang ups from childhood. 'Nuff said...When I shared on my blog last week about wanting to make a Farmer's Wife quilt, others spoke up and said they would like to quilt-along with me, so here we are. =) 

I like things to be simple and easy. Our lives are all busy enough, right? So here is how this is going to work.

Go as quickly or as slowly as you want. 

I told you it would be easy! 

My plan is to do at least two blocks a month and my goal is to do them all. I need to sit down and work out a reasonable end goal date to have the blocks all finished. I don't want to be doing this 6 years from now. =D

The only requirement is you need to have your own book so you will know how to make the blocks. There is a ton of information out on the web on how to use the paper templates or how to make the blocks using foundation paper piecing (which is my plan). We can share information about the resources we have found as we go along. 

Lets "meet" on the 3rd Thursday of every month to do a show and share of the blocks we have finished. (I don't know how we will meet yet, but will let you all know when I have it figured out.) This should give everyone time to get their fabric choices figured out, buy the book and get some blocks made to show off. 

Feel free to spread the word. The more the merrier, as far as I am concerned. =) 

If you have any questions, or suggestions, I am all ears.

This will be FUN!!


  1. I'm really tempted...just thinking about it gets my heart thumping faster...

  2. Sounds great! Unfortunately I've got too much on my plate atm to join in, but I will be watching eagerly to see these beautiful quilts develop and grow!! ... you could 'meet' via a linky party?!!

  3. I am SO excited. I'll have to put this on my calendar and PLAN on it. I am SOOO tempted to do two. One in CW and one in shabby chic or brights...not sure. DEFINITELY, I want to do this. YEAH!


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Amy I figured out how to do the button and which 2 blocks will you be doing?

  5. Well, first things first, I ordered the book day before yesterday....can't wait to see it!! Can't wait to get started!! Thanks for getting this started!!


  6. The foundation piecing templates are already done for you on the Farmer's Wife yahoo group. I do recommend you join just for that resource. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/farmerswifesampler/

    I am nearing the end of my journey with just 19 blocks to go. I suggest mixing in some of the harder blocks as you go otherwise finishing is slow. :)

  7. Sounds good! Let me know about the foundation piecing, because I tried the templates and it didn't work well for me! ;) xo Heather

  8. Thanks for starting this Amy! I will let my friends know so they can follow along or just cheer us on from the sideline.

  9. I'm new to your blog and SO excited for this QAL!!! I already bought the book and a Strawberry Fields layer cake to start the Farmer's wife quilt. Alas it sits there. My blog has also sat quiet since last....oh....Sept. This will be the perfect thing to get me going again. :-) Yippee.

    Question. Will we work on whatever blocks we want to work on or will we have a suggested 2 blocks so we are all pressumably working on the same blocks?

  10. oh i am sooo tempted, have been looking longingly at this book for ages....um might pop down to my local quilt shop, see if they have the book and join you

  11. Hi Amy, just had a chance to check your blog and this post about the start of the Farmer's Wife. Sounds good! Thanks for coordinating! I also wonder if everyone works on the block of their choice or if everyone will be working on the same two. Maybe I should check the group for answers. :)

  12. Hi Amy,
    I'm just joining you today! I have started the farmer's wife quilt and have 24 blocks done. Can't wait to see what everyone else has done!! :)


I am so grateful to all of you who take the time to leave a comment!
I will respond to your comment/questions in an email unless you have your email hidden. In that case, I will reply to your comment on my blog. Also, I apologize for having to block anonymous users - too much spam was coming through.

Grace and peace to all of you!

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