Word Verification and a Plea

September 7, 2012

Would you be a peach and see if you have word verification turned on in your blog and consider turning it off? 

Here is how to check....

Go to your dashboard > then go to settings > and then to comments. Scroll down this page until you find word verification. Choose the NO option to turn it off. Don't forget to click save settings at the bottom of the page.

I want to comment on your blogs. I really, really do, but it is getting harder to decipher the words and after 3 tries, I move on. =(

Turn it off, please??? 


  1. Yep... I don't have a blog but3 times is the max I will try one the comment page

  2. My max trying is three, too. After that, I forget what nice thing I was going to say. :O)

  3. I agree! Usually I give up after two tries. Those things are really hard to figure out sometimes.

  4. Sometimes it is just impossible to read, and even when I think I have it right....WRONG! I DID learn though, somewhere recently, that you can skip the number and it will go through. Too bad the number isn't what is hard to read!

  5. Word verification has become such an issue on blogs. I don't mind if bloggers want to moderate their comments, but I too have been trying 5 and 6 times to leave a comment. And I really do like to comment, but it becomes so discouraging.

  6. OK, I checked and I think I'm ok!!

  7. I absolutely agree--three tries and I'm outa there! Having removed it from my blog, I can assure everyone that removing it has had no effect on robots! (In fact, what has helped the most with spam and robots is not allowing "anonymous" to post (so I'm hoping my friends decide not to be anonymous).

  8. I am with you, Amy! I have a difficult time reading the letters and often will give up on leaving on comment after several failed attempts.

  9. I'm so with you! I hate that word verification! It drives me crazy - especially when I'm reading blogs on my Ipod touch. Trying to type on that thing is a mission!

  10. Totally agree..I have had more difficulty lately also trying to type the verification. Thank you for stating it so perfectly.

  11. I use google chrome and could not find anything after settings...so I think i am ok??? if not let me know

  12. Totally agree! I can NOT read those things! So glad to know it's not just me and my aging eyesight. I literally feel half blind trying to figure them out. :)

  13. i will only try 3 times if it's a giveaway. Still a pain, but I love giveaways!

  14. Whoo hoo! I did it! I didn't even know my blog was putting people through that hassle!

  15. I am a reader not a blogger. Hate, hate the word verification. I thought it was just my vision + my age!

  16. We just had this discussion on the art quilt list and OMG the ladies all agree!! You might want to post how to clean spam comments out and how easy that is to do! I don't think people realize that it only takes a couple clicks to get rid of anything that might pop up!

  17. yes most new bloggers don't know because when you check it out and comment on your own blog YOU dont get the verification. glad you mentioned it to others who may not know. makes it a lot easier to comment :-)

  18. Since I don't want to miss out on any comments on my blog, I followed your instructions and eliminated the word verification. Thanks so much for the heads up, Amy!

  19. I hear ya on word verification,, its not a word...I just tried 4 dang times on Deb Strains blog!! foget it!I wont comment if I have to type one..I hope more bloggers change this setting.. Blogger does a fine job of catching spam.

  20. Don't they seem like they are getting harder and harder? I really hate those things! If it's taking 3 times to get your comment to post sometimes I just give up!

  21. Thank you for this post. I hope every blogger in Blogland reads it and follows the suggestion. I give it maybe 2 tries and if that doesn't work I don't ever try to leave another comment. Life us too short to play games and there are lots of blogs that actually want me to leave a comment. ;)


I am so grateful to all of you who take the time to leave a comment!
I will respond to your comment/questions in an email unless you have your email hidden. In that case, I will reply to your comment on my blog. Also, I apologize for having to block anonymous users - too much spam was coming through.

Grace and peace to all of you!

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