Saturday in New York

September 27, 2012

We knew we would not be able to see all that we wanted to see in our short stay in the city, so each day had a specific destination and we would see all the sights we had time for around that destination. Saturday's main focus was Central Park, but before we entered the park, we had one stop we really wanted to make.

The Apple Store!

Visiting this store fed my inner geekiness. *dreamy sigh*

Yes, the Apple is backwards. I took the picture from the back side of the building. Out of all the stores where we went window shopping, this one was my favorite. It was just so cool...I tried to convince my Rusty that I "needed" an iPad or something, but he wasn't convinced. That's okay...Maybe another day.  =)

On to Central Park!!

Next time I want to take a carriage ride. 

Okay, this will really date me, but when I see the walking path, I think of the TV show "Family Affair." I  loved that show when I was a little girl. =) 

Lovely fountain...
Musicians and artists line the path hoping to get a dollar or two from this who are walking by. This group was very good. They got cash in their music case from us. 

I didn't take his picture, but Russ paid Jason the Joke Guy a dollar to be told jokes. I thought it was really silly. He thought it was the funniest thing ever and really got a kick out of the guy. 

By the time we left Central Park, I understood why people love New York. This is a really lovely part of the city. I loved it here...

Waiting for our train to take us back to the hotel for a short rest because we had a big night ahead of us. He was constantly looking at the map to "get his bearings." He really hated not knowing where north was. lol! 

As part of the prize package from Victory Motorcycles, we were treated to hanging out in the VIP lounge for food and drinks and a quick meet and greet of Steven Van Zandt,  guitarist and mandolin player of Bruce Springsteen's  E Street Band.  He also played Silvio Dante in the HBO show The Sopranos. I was guilty of having no idea who he was so I Googled him before we went to New York. What can I say? I don't watch too much TV. 

Okay...I wore that shirt because it had long sleeves and I was worried about getting cold during the concert. Looking back now, I really...REALLY...wish I had worn something a bit quieter. *ahem* Moving on...

The concert night was crazy! First, getting a taxi to the venue was a challenge. The concert was held at MetLife Stadium, home of the New York Giants and New York Jets, which is in New Jersey. The taxi drivers don't like to leave the city, so it cost us a whopping $130 to get to the stadium. Ouch! We made arrangements with the taxi driver to come back to get us later on in the evening, however, the concert was delayed 3 hours due to lightning, which meant the concert started when we thought we would be calling our taxi driver to come back and get us. I was a little stressed about this small issue....Russ talked to the other winners of the trip (there were 5  winners total who won this trip to NYC) to see how they got to the stadium. One gal got herself and her dad to the concert via a train for $10 each! I wish we could have met up with them for the trip out. We would have saved a ton of money. Oh well....She and her dad got us back to the hotel after the concert for $4 total. Much better....

Bruce put on an amazing show! And at midnight, it was Bruce's birthday, so the rest of the concert was like a giant birthday party. =D He played until almost 3 am. It was a lot of fun...

Walking down Times Square that late at night was interesting. I'll leave it at that. =)  

Tomorrow, Ground Zero.  =)


  1. So glad that you had a great trip! Looks you did a ton of stuff while you were there....and I also would have loved the AppleStore :0)


  2. OH MY...Stevie Van Sandt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we loved him on The Sopranos.... what a great pic!!!

  3. Central Park is one of my favorite places! I think it and the Metropolitan Museum of Art are the two spots I always go when visiting the city. We used to live in upstate NY, so we made the drive down to the city a few times. Never stopped at the Apple store though, but it looks like fun! So glad you had a wonderful trip!


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