Last Quilt Show of 2012

December 31, 2012

In the interest of my 2013 goal, which is to to use up the fabric in my stash and to practice on the long arm, I whipped up a few baby quilts and a wall hanging this week. 

First up, an American Jane panel that I quilted on the long arm with my new love, Aurifil thread. My machine loved this thread. =) 

I love how it looks. =) 

 A Dick and Jane and American Jane combo baby quilt. 

Here is a small piece of trivia about me....I was named after the Jane character in the Dick and Jane readers. My daddy picked out my first name, and my 6 year old sister, who was learning how to read at school with the Dick and Jane readers, chose Jane for my middle name. =)

The view of the back. I quilted it on the long arm with Gutermann thread. 

I need more practice with restarting after changing to a new bobbin. 

Another American Jane baby quilt. Strip quilts work perfect with the large print fabric that would lose their charm if cut up too small. 

And the back....

I have had this granny square flimsy sitting around for months. I used simple meandering on the granny square blocks and left the white blocks alone. If I could quilt a flower that didn't look like it was dying, I would do one in each of the white squares, but I can't, so that's that. 

I really love how this one turned out! 

How about you? Do you have any last minute finishes to share?


  1. Happy New Year, Amy! I just caught up on your past 13 posts. I always enjoy reading your blog and seeing your quilting projects! I hope you have much happiness and lots of sewing in 2013.

  2. Happy New Year Amy Jane! :0)

  3. Amy. Love those quilts! Very happy,bright, clean lines. Did I do a last minute finish? No! I had a houseful of family, cleaned up, and then took a trip to New York to see my inlaws. But I plan on playing with my fabric later this week. A good way to start the new year. Happy New Year to you and blessings for a fruitful, healthy, and sew-terrific 2013! Debby

  4. What pretty quilts- I love the strips! Happy new year!

  5. Cool name story. I loved the Dick and Jane books. See Spot Run! I was named after 2 of my fathers ex girlfriends because he liked the names.

  6. What a wonderful quilt, Amy! I read those Dick and Jane books in my early years at school. Your quilting looks great!


  7. Oh, Jane.. can I call you Jane? I just love these! You are really quilting great. I can't even imagine trying to do that, it would be funny!

  8. Gorgeous quilts Amy!! Such talent you have my friend!! So glad you are having fun with your new long arm machine! Happy New Year, may it be filled with many blessings and sweet joy! xo Heather

  9. That is so great!! Great minds think alike girlfriend!! My hub and I went to Shipshiwana to eat lunch and go to the Lollys Quilt shop for my birthday and our anniverary (same day 2 days after Christmas!) and I bought some panels that reminded me of my childhood and some layer cakes with the American Jane fabric. I LOVE it! and so now I was looking of ideas on how to use them together! and wha la! I keep coming back to your in my google searches! Thanks for sharing and you are doing great with your longarm. I should be humming on mine too but I took a day to just watch tutorials and get fresh ideas! Thank!! Karen in Plymouth Indiana

  10. Hey!! it is totally ok to draw on your flowers and feathers and then longarm....there are no longarmins police.. Sue Nikles is on current show....she does feathering on her sewing we can do the same on our wonderfully good longarms, right? You have to be like the train that said....I CAN!!.....ok?...quilted hugs! kari


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