Jesus Will Meet You There

December 23, 2013

....because Christmas isn't always a happy time, may this song bring comfort to those who are hurting. 


  1. Thanks for the drop by my blog. Wishing you a very Merry Christma day and a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!

  2. Have a day of peace....please try to go to Kays' page online and listen to a bit of her series; especially the last one on 1 Cor. 13... she just completed it last will help you; it really spoke to us; and I am not being holier than thou, for my heart bears your hurt too...

  3. Thank you, Amy!
    God bless you and keep you and your loved ones. Merry Christmas.

  4. Dear Amy,
    Let the Peace that Christmas brings give you a feeling of warmth and comfort so that you can share in the love of your family at this special time
    I especially want to wish for you, a New Year filled with the promise of renewed happiness and abundant Health.
    Robyn 🌸


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Grace and peace to all of you!

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