Painting day

July 13, 2009

Today, Reagan and I are going to paint his room. Reagan has Holden's old room that he painted a deep barn red. We are changing it to a blue (exact shade yet to be decided). Today's goal is to get the primer on and go shopping for the final paint color. Depending on how long that all takes, maybe we can get the final color on the walls by tonight.

I'll post some before and after pictures later. :o)


First coat of primer.

Two coats of primer done...

The final coat of paint! I really like the shade of blue he picked out.

All walls painted...
As soon as Russ gets the window trim done, we can add the curtains and window shades. His new comforter is brown and white, so the "theme" is brown and blue." The room will look better tomorrow after his furniture is arranged and the new bedding is on his bed.

I can't wait to paint MY room!! I was thinking PINK! LOL!


  1. Sounds like a busy day ahead! Oooh and thanks for catching my faux pas re: the chicken/kitchen. LOL I'm not sure how to get in a chicken - hee hee... but I don't think I'd like to anyway - ha ha. Can you tell I was tired writing that post? ;-)

    Enjoy priming!

  2. OK, I still find it soooooooo funny that he painted in a WHITE shirt and didn't ruin it. That says a lot about him.

  3. Ooohh, I love that shade of blue. Beautiful!!


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