Pray for Kate McRae

July 4, 2009

Angie of Bring the Rain has sent out an alert for a child and family that is in desperate need of a miracle. Please watch the video by Kate McRae's parents. It will explain things much better than I can...

To get updates, visit Kate's CaringBridge page.

*The surgery took place on July 3rd.


  1. This is heartbreaking! I'll pray for Kate and her family. Thanks for sharing this.

    Yea, it's plenty chilly today! Hope tomorrow is a nicer day.


  2. My heart aches for this couple. My nephew had a benign brain tumor years ago that fortunately was "fixed" through a shunt being put in his head. I remember how scary that time was for my family as my nephew went through his ordeal. I can't imagine what this family is going through with her cancer being malignant. Praying! Thanks Amy for sharing this great need! I saw Holly's link to their site on another blog and will follow them through there. Hugs


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