Piles in my house

September 21, 2010

Piles for thrift stores...

Piles for friends...

Piles for the landfill and for recycling...

A room to organize for my son...

A room to organize...

....for me! 
Because this room will be my very own sewing room!! 


  1. Yay!!!!!!!! Tell me more, tell me more!!!!

  2. How exciting! A sewing room? That would be awesome!

  3. You're going to love having your own sewing room! Of course, mine doubles as my card-making room too, so there's usually too much "stuff" in it to actually sew in it, but, you know....

  4. I love a good pile and are you painting, wallpaper, design wall? Share, share, I love a good decorate project!


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Grace and peace to all of you!

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