South Western Wisconsin

September 12, 2010

Rusty and I took a day trip to Wisconsin yesterday. Just the two of us. 

Here are a few of the highlights of the trip.

Not 10 minutes after I told Russ I thought it would be fun to have a sheep lawn ornament, we drove by a lawn ornament store and look at what we found! One of these lambs is now in my front garden.

The scenery in SW Wisconsin is stunning.

In a few weeks, when the leaves turn, it will be amazing!

We stopped at Norskhaven for lunch. It's a charming little shop. 

I loved this stove, but it wasn't for sale...

I loved this table, but it wasn't for sale either. I guess they get asked if they will sell them all the time. I can see why! 

Our lunch was a cup of chicken and dumplings soup, a cup of coffee....

...and for desert, apple cake pie with pecans. It was amazing!

Then we were off to the Kickapoo apple orchard to buy some apples. Yummy!

On the way home, we stopped to try out the famous Gunderburger for dinner. 

He ate it all! Yikes!!

Thanks, honey, for a super fun day! 


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful day!

  2. WOW! You had such a wonderful day. I am hoping My Skippy Man and I will be able to have a day to ourselves soon. Oh, the thought! :> )


  3. I love the photo's of your trip. Especially the one of the pecan pie. Yummy!

  4. I'm getting a kick out of reading your posts....I wish I had discovered your blog before last week! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


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