Sewing room progress

September 25, 2010

I have worked myself into exhaustion. That's very typical of me.  I get on a roll and will not stop until I have mostly accomplished the mission.

I've been invited to a dear friend's home for supper, so I can't be on the computer long, however, I really want to share a few pictures of my new room...

Moving in.

The room has a south facing window and an east facing window, so the light in here is amazing!

The fabric all refolded and stacked neatly. I used the Monica @ Happy Zombie tutorial. I  love how neat and tidy it is. 

I bought this desk for a dollar! I raised it up and made it my cutting table. I love it! I added the curtains to cover the ugly legs. The center area of the desk makes a great storage area. I didn't do anything permanent to it, so I can change my mind how I want to use it later on. Yes, it needs refinished. No, I don't care. =)

Sewing notions are slowly finding a  new home.

I can sew and press looking out a window. I love that. 

A design wall/place to hang quilts or quilt tops to look at. I need to buy end caps for the electrical conduit pipes. The drapery rings I found on clearance at Hancocks for 50 cents a package. I bought 5 knowing I would find a use for them. 


  1. Good things take time. That is what my husband says. You will get it all there and wonder why you didn't do it before this. Glad you have good light. Very important. We have had such gloomy days maybe tomorrow it will be ebtter for vboth of us. Happy sewing. Chris

  2. That looks amazing. I love that color of blue on your walls. It looks very inviting!!
    Take care and don't overdo it. That's hard work!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. How cute and wonderful!!!!(I had to delete the first comment because I had a ?? after wonderful, but I meant !!!!) It is awesome! Sew, when do I get to come see it in person? Are those vintage sheets I see for valances? I LOVE your new room!!!

  5. It is coming together. Looks great.

  6. I think your new sewing room is lovely! I know you will be very creative in your new space.

  7. I am way beyond tired, but also way beyond pleased and tickled to have my own sewing room. The floors really need refinished, however we have other house projects that are a higher priority (ie: a new roof).

    You are all invited to come over anytime. =)

  8. Just wondereful!!! Love what you have done.....

  9. Doesn't it feel good to be organized? One of my goals for next week is to redo my sewing room - wish me luck. blessings, marlene

  10. Congratulations on your new sewing space! I hope you have lots of time to enjoy it!

  11. My hubby has been begging for fried chicken, so that's on my list of things to do today. He has been so good to help me with all my honey-do's with my new room. I might be able to sneak in a few minutes of sewing today, though.

  12. How wonderful that you will have your own space. Okay, can you spell . . . . . . J E A L O U S ! !


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