Perfectly imperfect

August 17, 2011

I don't care if it's scuffed up, battered and marred....

I love it anyway....

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  1. Oh my goodness! I can see why! This is so precious. I had one similar to this when I was a kid!! Love it!!!

  2. where'd ya find it?!! beautiful!!

  3. Sweeet! (And Oh Boy! Does that little lamb look somehow familiar like a childhopd lamb memory...)

  4. Oh this is so sweet! Where did you find it?


  5. A definitely keeper in that little chair. Most unusual. As lo, noticed the quilt on your bed.

  6. I see why you love it!! That is just adorable. Happy VTT!

  7. What an amazing vintage high chair. I am jealous!!! What a treasure.
    I am your newest follower found you through that vintage thingy. Come check me out at:

    Susie at Puddle Jumper Creations

  8. This is such a sweet high chair! I recall a little lamb decal being on the crib that we slept in when we were little. (NO, my memory is not that good, but I had two younger sisters, so I remember it from when they used it.)


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