Camera Case #3

March 15, 2012

Since I lost my other camera case and I was in the mood to do a quick and easy project, I made a new one. 

Pattern found via Tipnut. Love that site!


  1. Oh my gosh that fabric is so cute!

  2. Ewe are SEW talented, and I love the fabric!

  3. Very cute! Great job with the case and your fabric choice! :)

  4. Wow i lové thé fabric the sheeps are wonderful

    Hâve à Nice day

  5. I love your camera case! So glad to have found you through Karen at Sew Many Ways!

  6. Oh, I'm in love with that fabric! I'd be carrying that everywhere.

  7. Hello! Found you from Sew Many Ways. Love all the fabrics you show in your banner.


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