
March 10, 2012

I am so behind on my blog reading and responding to your comments. I'll get to it, just not in a very timely way, I am afraid. 

Tomorrow is a big day. My son will be performing his senior recital. If you want, you can pray about the grand piano. Men need to lift it up on the platform tomorrow after church. I have horrible visions of someone getting hurt or something happening to the piano. I am so grateful for my friend, Mary Ann, who coordinated and organized the whole thing. I did very little, she did it all!

The quilt top was finished, but not in time to sandwich and take with me to the women's retreat, which ended up being a good thing. Russ liked the black and white polka dot fabric as the second block, so I went with it. I have enough colored blocks to make a second baby quilt. For that one, I am going to use  white with black polka dots as the second square. Wouldn't they make cute quilts for twins? 

I bought some perle cotton and some rayon embroidery thread to do some accent hand quilting in the white blocks. I may use more colors than what you see here. We'll see when I get to that part. 

The women's retreat was a much needed respite for me and also a healing time after last weekend...The topic was Connecting the Dots of the Gospel to...My Life. There is no way I could share what we were taught. I am not skilled enough to communicate such deep and healing truths I learned. I wish I could...

On the way to the retreat center, the ladies I rode with made a few stops at some super cute shops/antique stores. These kind of shops are so hard for me. I (being the silly one in the group) walk in and announce, "I want it ALL!" 

And I mean it. 

I like stuff. 

My husband is very thankful that I don't need to own all the things I like. =)

Like this pink beauty, for example. I really love it...But I don't need to own it. =) 

When I got home, look at what was waiting for me in my front garden. 

Spring is nearly here. 

God is faithful. Spring always follows a long winter.....

Have a great Sunday....


  1. Sending hugs. So happy your spirit is feeling better. Love ya!

  2. I'm glad to hear of a refreshing of spirit, blessings to you!

  3. I'm so glad you enjoyed the retreat. Yes, sometimes it is difficult to relay what we learnt.
    Your spring flowers are lovely! We are moving into autumn now...

  4. oh my god i'm soooo jealous of your crocus! mine are under about 2 feet of snow now.... not ready to smile to me yet!!!
    Your quilt is realy something. i'll like to see what will be the embroidery!

    have a nice week

  5. Love the pink dresser you pictured in your blog. I love the "shabby chic" style and my house is filled (overfilled?) with it. In fact, I'm trying to clear some out by selling them online!

  6. really like this colorful quilt top and yes, to the perle cottons too!! I think I might NEED the wonderful "PINK" thing!!!

  7. I'm glad to hear of a refreshing of your spirit...there is joy there for taking

  8. I'm glad to hear of a refreshing of your spirit...there is joy there for taking

  9. I will be praying for your son and the recital - and those moving the grand piano. I think I need to get on Pinterest. That would be a good way to collect all the things I like and not have to own any of them. :-)

    I remember years ago, during a 'eureka' moment, thinking, 'Jesus died not just for my sin, but for my guilt.' It was a life-changing revelation.

  10. That is so wonderful.

  11. The Lord is so good to renew our spirits, isn't He?


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Grace and peace to all of you!

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