Baby Merry-Go-Round

August 10, 2012

Binding is on and is ready to give to Pam, the gal who gave me the pattern and the ruler to make the quilts. =) She is a dear sister in the Lord and an encouragement to me...

Monday the Bowls with Borders blog hop begins. I am scheduled for the 15th. I am nervous and excited to show you what I came up with. =) 


  1. Oh Amy! That would be my favorite so far even if I didn't LOVE Merry Go Rounds! The turquoise and red with the bits of green is the best! Red is my favorite color! So cheery! You are a wonder woman!

  2. Amy, that is just adorable - well done!

  3. That came together so nicely - the quilting makes it look so vintage! Beautiful work as always =D

  4. Your quilt is just beautiful and you did well with the quilting. LOVE IT! Pam is a lucky girl.

  5. Oh my goodness, how different it looks when it's been quilted! It's spectacular. Love it!

  6. Amy it is so beautiful!! Wow, that binding looks hard! Great job my friend!! You are quite the talent. Have a great weekend! xo Heather

  7. wow what a beautiful quilt! I am sure your bowls will be inspiring. cant wait!

  8. Love this and LOVE the colors!! And the shapes aren't bad either!!


  9. I tried to think of new adjectives to describe this awesome quilt! It is beautiful, delightful, fun, and will be cherished! I love it!!!

  10. How adorable....looks hard???? You should be SEW proud!!! XXX


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