Pennant Quilt Received..

March 3, 2014

Judging by Cristina's big smile, I would say she is pleased with her quilt. =)

She said she LOVES the watermelons! 

These pictures make my day!! And they are the reason why I  love to quilt. =)


  1. Great compliment to get with great smiles like that. So glad she liked the quilt. Chris

  2. That's it, right there ! That's why we do it.........that and getting to pet all that gorgeous fabric, you know !

  3. That's the best reason I can think of!

  4. those are the sweetest, happiest....quilt hugged faces ever!!! isnt it great when what you make is loved. nothing makes me sadder than making something for someone and getting a blah response from them. sad

  5. How beautiful the quilt and the little ones.

  6. Those smiles are priceless! You need to hang that picture in your sewing room, and the next time you are having a rough day, those smiles should cheer you right up!

  7. Love those big smiles! Definitely worth it. Every. Second.

  8. I tried to post a comment on your last post but my phone was acting crazy. Of course she's smiling from ear to ear-the quilt turned out great!! How sweet that she loves the watermelons. :) You are so generous with your time & talents. What a great grandma!

  9. Wonderful watermelons! But those smiles can't be beat! Such a lovely quilt and sweet little girls.

  10. Fantastic smiles for amazing quilts :)

  11. That makes it all worth while when you give something to someone and they absolutely love it!

  12. totally AGREE Dear Friend!! Good Job!!!

  13. I agree. What a great picture.

  14. Happy, happy girls! They make it all worth while.

  15. Those happy faces and smiles say it all! Blissful Pennant Quilt...


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