Sewing with Wilma

April 24, 2014

My first project with Wilma. =) A small table topper using one mini charm pack of Moda Printemps by Three Sisters and the Falling Charms tutorial by Missouri Star Quilt Company. Love this machine! It takes some getting used to, just like driving a different car. It works the same, but it feels different. The more I play with her, the more comfortable I am with her.  

Also, today I received my first issue of Block by Missouri Star Quilt Company. They call it a magazine, but it is really a book. I am impressed. The quilt on the cover is calling my name. =)

I hope your week has been a good one. =) 

New Old Stuff

April 21, 2014

Trust me, you will want to read to the end. =) Or skip all the words and scroll down to see!

Saturday was a beautiful day here in Iowa. Russ and I spent the morning looking at lawn decorations to place in the garden. We want to add more potted plants in the garden to go with the flowers that are already growing. Last year, we dug almost every things up and laid down weed barrier and fresh mulch. It was a huge job and oh, so worth it! This spring, we are seeing it for the first time and the work really paid off.   

After stopping at many garden centers and stores like Menards and Home Depot, we had some ideas, but nothing said, "buy me!" I figured we had time and I would rather get things I really want rather than just buying because it was there. On the way home, we drove by an antique store and we saw several things that would be perfect for what we were wanting to do! And the prices were much better, too. =)

Russ found this fun folk art hanging plant stand. When the weather fully stays safe enough for  potted plants, something will be placed in this pot. =) 

This old, chippy and heavy aquarium stand will be another place to set potted flowers on. Love the scroll work and rust. =)

But, I must say, it was the antique store across the street that had the very best treasure of all...

A beautiful 1937 Featherweight! And the price was reasonable! Less than what they go for on and Ebay. Yay! No scratches. Clean, clean, clean! Runs like a dream and the case has only a hint of "old" smell. 

I am calling her Wilma Lucile, after my two great aunts that I miss and love dearly. 

I made a bed cover to prevent the face plate screw from damaging it. Funny that I worry about that when for 77 years, she has been okay. =) 

The fabric strip on the bed is the seam guide I bought. It is removable and won't leave any gunk on her, however, when I couldn't sleep last night, I ordered Nova's Sew Straight Guide to replace it, along with a cone thread stand that fits into one of the oil holes on top. 

The owner of the shop had two to choose from. I chose the one with the prettier faceplate, of course! 

Sweet Wilma Lucile will be dearly loved and used often!!

If you have any tips about Featherweights, please share!!

 Have a very happy Monday!!

See What a Morning!

April 20, 2014

He is Risen indeed!! \o/

Falling Charms

April 16, 2014

Last fall, we went shopping at Front Porch Quilts in Prairie De Chien, Wi. They open up their basement where the fabric is for sale at half off. My hubby spent about an hour downstairs picking out fabric for me to play with. By himself. I was wandering upstairs while he was shopping. =) Though the photo shows only 1 charm pack, we actually bought 4. 

Plenty of fabric to make Missouri Star Quilt Company's Falling Charms quilt. =) 

Have a happy Wednesday!!!

Aviatrix Medallion: Fabric Pull

April 15, 2014

Step one in the Aviatrix Medallion quilt along is picking out the fabrics. Elizabeth wrote a great post on how to pick out your fabrics and several ways to do it. It's a blog post well worth your time to read and keep for future reference for other quilt projects. I chose to use her idea number 2, color blocking.

Elizabeth said:

Idea 2: Color Blocking
This is a simple and effective way to create your fabric groups. Start by selecting a solid fabric to act as the anchor of each group. Then pick 4 print fabrics (or an assortment of scraps) to coordinate with each of the solids. 
Color blocking will be most effective with small to medium scale monochromatic prints (prints that are just a color and white, maybe with bits of other neutrals). 

I pulled my fabrics out this morning and after a few hours, I decided one of the blue fabrics needed switched out. This is now my final pull and what I am going to go with.  *grammar cops: I have no idea how to end a sentence without a preposition!!*

If you want to follow along and see what other people are doing for the Aviatrix Medallion Quilt Along, search for #aviatrixmedallion on Instagram. 

Have a happy Tuesday!!

Baby Postage Stamp

April 13, 2014

This one turned out cute. I love simple patchwork and sometimes simple is the perfect way to go. This one is going into my charity quilt/gift pile. =) 

I forgot to add my label. Oh, well...

Have a happy Sunday...

Aviatrix Medallion Quilt Along

April 12, 2014

Elizabeth@Oh, Fransson! is hosting a quilt along of her newest quilt pattern, Aviatrix Medallion

Isn't it amazing!!?

source: Oh, Frannson!
I have been following Elizabeth ever since I first starting quilting. She is so very talented and inspiring. I have been itching to make a modern quilt for a while now, so this is perfect! I have more fun working on more challenging quilts when there is a group doing it together. It's a great way to meet new friends, as well. =)

If you would like to join in, too, you will need her Aviatrix Medallion pattern, which Elizabeth graciously put on sale through April 13th. =) 

Have a happy weekend!!

Scrap quilt

April 10, 2014

Sometimes doing mindless sewing is just what the doctor ordered. I made a huge dent in my 2.5" squares scrap box. It will finish at 57" x 57."

Proof that spring has come to Iowa! Yay! We got a lot of the leaves raked up in the back yard. We have more to go, but it does look better. 

Hope you all had a great week!!

When People Steal

April 8, 2014

Update! The offending site has been shut down! =)

Doesn't it make you mad when someone takes your stuff? It does me. Through Facebook, I was led to a blog post by The Bitchy Stitcher. She shares about a web site that is pirating many quilters blog posts. Imagine my surprise when I have been pirated, too. 



Here is the thieving blog...You will have to copy paste the url. I refuse to link directly to them, out of principal... 

They have a search box, so you can easily search your own blog name to see if you have been pirated, too. I am sad to say, I recognize many blog posts that are on there now from my other blogging friends. =( Make sure you go check and see if you are on there. 

What this means is I will have to change my settings to a truncated rss feed. If following by email or on a blog reader, you will only get a small portion of my blog post. To read it all, you will have to click though and come to my blog to read the rest. At least, that is how I think it all works. =) I am in the process of learning about this stuff. 

The thieving blog is hosted by GoDaddy and they have procedures to deal with infringement. I am going to try to wade my way through the legalize and lodge a complaint. 

Mini wall quilt

With that, not so happy post, I am off to do some behind the scenes work on my blog. 

Have a happy day, everyone! There is always something to smile about, right? =)

Quilty Fun ~ Finish

April 4, 2014

Okay...I am just going to say it with no shame. 

I am SO PROUD of my Quilty Fun quilt!! It went together like a dream! 

And here it is in my sewing room where I can look at it all day long. =)

Happy! Happy! Happy!

Steve's Quilt ~ Finish

April 3, 2014

All done!

But I think the back is the best!!

Note to self...Prewash the dark rich colored fabrics. =(  Only two yellow blocks got this bit of bleed, so it could have been worse, but still. *sigh*

I hope you never have to sing the, "I Should Have Pre-washed," blues. 

Happy Thursday to you all!!

Fun Mail

April 1, 2014

More letter blocks made their way to my house! I love them all!!

Donna@ Donna's Lavender Nest  made me a "D" with her signature color of lavender. =) 

Missy@Missy's Homemaking Adventures made me a very springy "M." =) 

Nannette@ Freda's Hive made a bright and cheery "N."

And look what found their way from Europe!! Socks lovingly made by Marion@ Willow's Welt. Aren't they fun!! I almost hate to wear them, but I will. =) Marion and I have been following each other's blogs for several years. Make sure you check our her blog and see her talent for sock making and other knitted items. She is so talented!!

Steve's quilt is done,however, the wind is blowing 40 MPH, so I will have to wait for a much calmer day to take pictures. 

Today I am going to get started on the borders on my Quilty Fun top. =D

Have a happy, happy Tuesday!! 

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