New Old Stuff

April 21, 2014

Trust me, you will want to read to the end. =) Or skip all the words and scroll down to see!

Saturday was a beautiful day here in Iowa. Russ and I spent the morning looking at lawn decorations to place in the garden. We want to add more potted plants in the garden to go with the flowers that are already growing. Last year, we dug almost every things up and laid down weed barrier and fresh mulch. It was a huge job and oh, so worth it! This spring, we are seeing it for the first time and the work really paid off.   

After stopping at many garden centers and stores like Menards and Home Depot, we had some ideas, but nothing said, "buy me!" I figured we had time and I would rather get things I really want rather than just buying because it was there. On the way home, we drove by an antique store and we saw several things that would be perfect for what we were wanting to do! And the prices were much better, too. =)

Russ found this fun folk art hanging plant stand. When the weather fully stays safe enough for  potted plants, something will be placed in this pot. =) 

This old, chippy and heavy aquarium stand will be another place to set potted flowers on. Love the scroll work and rust. =)

But, I must say, it was the antique store across the street that had the very best treasure of all...

A beautiful 1937 Featherweight! And the price was reasonable! Less than what they go for on and Ebay. Yay! No scratches. Clean, clean, clean! Runs like a dream and the case has only a hint of "old" smell. 

I am calling her Wilma Lucile, after my two great aunts that I miss and love dearly. 

I made a bed cover to prevent the face plate screw from damaging it. Funny that I worry about that when for 77 years, she has been okay. =) 

The fabric strip on the bed is the seam guide I bought. It is removable and won't leave any gunk on her, however, when I couldn't sleep last night, I ordered Nova's Sew Straight Guide to replace it, along with a cone thread stand that fits into one of the oil holes on top. 

The owner of the shop had two to choose from. I chose the one with the prettier faceplate, of course! 

Sweet Wilma Lucile will be dearly loved and used often!!

If you have any tips about Featherweights, please share!!

 Have a very happy Monday!!


  1. Yea for the old Singer!! I have one of those too, but not quite that old. I love that thing. When my daughter was little, I could actually sew the straps back on her little leather MaryJanes! and also used it to sew up a canvas tent. They're amazing machines. Great find. Congratulations. :-) AND, it's beautiful!

  2. Yay! I am so happy for you! You will love your FW. Biggest tip, never turn the handwheel away from you, only towards you. This will prevent snarls and growls :).

  3. Congratulations! I am still on the lookout for one at a good price. I love your garden decorations, I love old stuff the best!

  4. What a great machine! A Featherweight is on my list, but, it has to be less than $100. I'm sure my hunt for one will take a bit longer. Did you know that you can get a 1/4" foot for your machine? Same as the several I own for my vintage, low shank machines. You can also get a walking foot, for the more narrow feed dogs on your Featherweight. My supplier is great! I can also look up some of the ways to get the musty smell out of your case, if you want. Great garden items, too!

  5. She is gorgeous and what fun you will have with her!! xo Heather

  6. Squeeeee! You willl *LOVE* it! I highly recommend the guides by Dave over at Featherweight RX. It's worth a google. The workbook contains everything you need to know on how to take care of/repair your Featherweight. They are workhorses and sew a beautiful straight line.

  7. She's a beauty. I'm SEW happy for you. My only advise for you is always have fabric under the needle when both top and bottom are threaded. If you sew without fabric you will get thread wrapped around and stuck in the bobbin mechanism, and it is a lot harder to remove the thread. One little thread will wreak havoc so if you have any problems at all, just check for a stray thread. You will have to remove the bobbin case and rotate the works to inspect for, and remove threads. Same holds true for the Singer 301, which I know you also own. Have fun!

  8. Wilma Lucile is sa-weeet! I wish I could stumble on such a bargain!

  9. The Featherweight is gorgeous. She looks like she is in beautiful shape. I love my Featherweight because I can take it anywhere and it has the most beautiful straight stitch. What a fantastic find, congratulations!

  10. How very awesome ! Those are alot of great finds, but, yes, Wilma Lucille is definitely THE treasure of the day !

    My husband and I bought and sold a few Featherweights years ago, and the only thing I can say is that they are super simple to clean up and maintain......there's nothing complicated to mess up about them.

  11. And, not to knock someone else's comment, but I have chain-pieced with my own Featherweight FOR YEARS, and have no trouble 'traveling' between pieces with no fabric under the foot.

  12. One of my favorite machines to piece on. Make sure that you follow the directions for oiling. DH oils mine after about every 10 bobbins. Such lovely finds.

  13. Looks like you have struck gold Amy! I Love to hunt for treasures. What towns were the antique stores in? My husband and I like to ride bikes. I know that RAGBRAI is passing through your neck of the woods this year. Thanks for leaving a sweet comment on my Pink post :) The quilts I make for my grandchildren stay at my house. They love to have something to snuggle with when they come that they can call their own. It is a beautiful day here.... sewing with the windows open:) Janita

  14. Lucky you Amy! I love my FW. For lots of information join the Yahoo Singer Featherweight group. Another important thing, flat side of the needle to the left and threading right to left. Of course, good thread and needles! Enjoy your new to you machine.

  15. Congrats! She is just beautiful! Enjoy sewing on your sweet new machine.

  16. Your yard looks great! I can't wait for my flowers to bloom. Your new machine is quite pretty, too! I have my Grandma's old singer but I've never used it.

  17. I am so excited you found a beautiful Featherweight! My sister and I both want one quite badly!

    Your yard is beautiful! Isn't spring a lovely time to reap the reward of last year's hardworking!?!

  18. WOW!now that is a good looking machine. Congrats on your all your awesome finds. The aquarium stand is pretty cool.

  19. I love, love, love my Featherweight - congratulations on this purchase! And my mother's name was Wilma so you certainly made me smile when I read this. :) blessings, marlene

  20. A beautiful day with extra special treasures. I will look forward to see the flowers in the pot and on the stand. WOW! The Featherlight is a true and beautiful treasure! ENJOY!

  21. I'm so glad you found a good deal on a featherweight. I store and move mine to "events" in a wheeled cooler--mine came with just the machine (no accessories, no case, just lots of "styro peanuts" that I spent years removing--along with tobacco smoke. I love your end plate (my 99 has a similar one).


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