Scrap quilt

April 10, 2014

Sometimes doing mindless sewing is just what the doctor ordered. I made a huge dent in my 2.5" squares scrap box. It will finish at 57" x 57."

Proof that spring has come to Iowa! Yay! We got a lot of the leaves raked up in the back yard. We have more to go, but it does look better. 

Hope you all had a great week!!


  1. Oh. So. Pretty! I love the colors! I need to spend some time cutting up my scraps to fill up my 2.5" drawer, lol. Never gonna get done a scrappy quilt if I don't spend some time dealing with my scraps! Bad me! Again, I love it!

  2. I love your scrap quilt, so pretty. I bet it felt great to use all those scraps. I must do that too.

  3. Oh gorgeous quilt - I love your bright happy scraps!

  4. I love postage stamp quilts! Scrappy is the best way to go!

  5. this is lovely. simple patchwork quilts are really my favorite. i always feel compelled to make something different or more complicated but i just love them so much

  6. That is so are motivating me to get my scraps organized:)

  7. There are those beautiful Crocus ! Awesome ! Loving the striped purple too ! And a buttercup ! It's really here !

    We've got Spring thunderboomers going on in the background as I type !

    Praise God !

    I like your squares quilt.....I'm trying to fast from quilting for a few weeks since I get SO CAUGHT UP IN IT sometimes ! Thank you for the eye candy !

  8. Definitely a lovely quilt and it is scrap control season. Love the pictures of the flowers.

  9. Your quilt is so pretty. I've been cutting 2 1/2 inch squares to make one. Are the flowers from this spring? We have iris up about 1 inch, and I can see the tips of hostas. But today we have snow!! It started out as rain but has gotten cold enough to turn into snow, and very windy. Don't think it will last long, or should say hope it doesn't last long. I am ready for spring and green grass!


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