Aviatrix Medallion: Fabric Pull

April 15, 2014

Step one in the Aviatrix Medallion quilt along is picking out the fabrics. Elizabeth wrote a great post on how to pick out your fabrics and several ways to do it. It's a blog post well worth your time to read and keep for future reference for other quilt projects. I chose to use her idea number 2, color blocking.

Elizabeth said:

Idea 2: Color Blocking
This is a simple and effective way to create your fabric groups. Start by selecting a solid fabric to act as the anchor of each group. Then pick 4 print fabrics (or an assortment of scraps) to coordinate with each of the solids. 
Color blocking will be most effective with small to medium scale monochromatic prints (prints that are just a color and white, maybe with bits of other neutrals). 

I pulled my fabrics out this morning and after a few hours, I decided one of the blue fabrics needed switched out. This is now my final pull and what I am going to go with.  *grammar cops: I have no idea how to end a sentence without a preposition!!*

If you want to follow along and see what other people are doing for the Aviatrix Medallion Quilt Along, search for #aviatrixmedallion on Instagram. 

Have a happy Tuesday!!


  1. Oh Amy, I love your picks! So yummy. You have such a way with color. Cannot wait to see this one.

  2. I'm quilting along too. I love what you've picked.

  3. I love your picks! YOur quilt is going to be adorable!!!!

    I changed one of mine already from looking at my pic. I'm sure a few more will change.

  4. I'm a grammar cop and say that sentence the same way, or else I'll sound like an alien! (In my former life I was a high school English teacher and magazine editor). "This is now my final pull and that with which I am going to work" is the high-and-mighty way to say that, but the noses would turn up and the eyes would roll if we said it that way, right? We only look at the pictures of your beautiful fabric anyway! Forget the words - they get in the way.

  5. Gorgeous fabrics and what a great explanation on color blocking.

  6. I'm not police, but if you really want to know, you would put 'with which' I am going. HIH


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