Monday's Memory of Mom

February 18, 2008

Last week, I shared my first memory of my mom. I thought this week I would share the last few memories of my mom. The rest of the posts will be the in between memories.

For those that don't know, my mom died of breast cancer. She went through chemo twice and lost her hair twice. She had just gotten back to the huge afro style that she wore for at least 20+ years, when she went back for the second round of chemo and lost it again. Never once did she complain. She would say, "It's only hair." She was beautiful with hair and without. The love of Jesus shined through her.
My mom became born-again, late in life. In the last 10 years of her life. The transformation was amazing. She was a whole new person. Amazing....
Two days before she died, I was sitting on her bed talking to her. At this point, she could still talk, though it was physically draining on her to do so. I said, "Momma...It's okay to go. We'll be okay." ....I tend to be the dramatic one in the family. My nick name was Tallulah, after Tallulah Bankhead. She was before my time. :-P....She looked at me and laughed! Laughed! She responded, "Honey, you don't have to worry about that. I am not sticking around here one minute more than I have to. I am ready to be rid of this body and be with Jesus." I have to laugh at myself.  I was being sooo serious and making sure she knows she can leave me behind, when she was like, "Let's get on with the show!" I want to die like that. :-) Die knowing that I will be waiting for my family, so leaving them here on earth isn't difficult.
The next few days, she slipped farther and farther away. Like she was deep inside of herself. At one point, she whispered, "Who is that tall man over there?" There was no tall man in the room. At least one we could see. :-) Her last words were strong, clear and coherent. I can't remember exactly where in the dying process they occurred...The day before she died?  Two days before she died? That whole time was a blur for me...She said, "Hallelujah! We're saved!"
Hallelujah, she was saved...
See you, soon, Momma! See you soon! 


  1. Hallelujah, we're saved!! Monday tears, here.

  2. Amy that is beautiful! I wish I could have heard words like that from my Mom. I know she believed in Jesus and was not afraid to die. But I was hoping she would tell us if/when it was time to go, and she did not.

  3. I am very grateful for the mercy that God showed us at that time. When I talk about my mom's death, I can say with all honesty, she died with grace. :-)

  4. What a beautiful testimony from a beautiful soul. Hugs from me too...

  5. Amy, you made me cry. I sure hope that my mom was saved and your mom and my mom are in heaven talking about us :-). Wouldn't that be something?

  6. Yes, that would be something. :o)

    I can tell y'all. Russ won't mind...Bless his heart...He had his coat on and was walking out the door when he asked me what my Monday's Memory of Mom was, so I read it to him. After I got done reading, I turned around...Tears were rolling down his face. I love that man!!

  7. Marilyn@A Mixed BouquetTuesday, February 19, 2008

    Amy, that is just precious! I loved the memory of your mom. I loved Russ' reaction to your post. You are blessed!

  8. That is so wonderful. I have to say Amy you inspired me. I now have something else to blog about. Memories of my Dad.


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