Confessions of snob...

February 15, 2008

I am a computer snob. Yes...That's right, a snob! The beginning of my snob transformation began two years ago.
A co-worker of my husband upgrades to the latest and greatest Apple laptop almost every year, and he was selling his Apple Powerbook G4 17" laptop. Russ asked me if I would like him to buy it for me. Uhhh....YES!
Two reasons:

1~ I love getting new electronic things. I love gadgets. :o)
2~ I had never owned an Apple computer before. My Laurie has always had Macs, so I had heard from her how wonderful they were.
I had my new-to-me Apple  laptop only a few days when I realized I was in B~I~G trouble. I knew I would never want to go back to the Microsoft PC world.
Since then there was another update and I now have a MacBook Pro sporting the new Leopard OS. Ahhh...There is nothing like a Mac....Until...Well, as with all electronic gadgets, something goes very wrong. My Mac got sick after a OS update. It was very sick....I cried. Pathetic, huh? For two days, I had to use my hubby's Dell laptop. I was N~O~T happy. I became so frustrated with how long everything took, the hoops I had to jump through to get it to do the simplest things. Like send an email without playing 20 questions first. I was willing to leave the internet world forever, if I couldn't have my Mac back.

Pathetic....Wrong...I needed a reality check.
As I was in my weepy mode over a sick computer...The thought came to me...When is the last time I wept over a lost soul? Oh...The shame that flooded my soul...People are dying in their sins, lost forever, and I am weeping over a computer! A blessing that God had given me had become my god. I worshiped the created, rather than the Creator. I began to weep over my sin...And God, in His mercy, poured out His love and forgiveness upon me. He reminded me of His promise:

...He who has begun a good work in me will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ...

I am a work in progress and God used a sick Mac to get my attention on the important things. The great commission. Sharing the Gospel to a dying world.

The song, Rescue the Perishing, can be found on the CD, Not A God, by Billy and Cindy Foote. I highly recommend all of their CDs. :-)


  1. I soooo understand this! My daughter got an Apple laptop last year and now we all fight to be on it. It makes me "HATE" Windows PCs.
    I also understand your guilt for the excessive computer concern, but I don't think you should be too hard on yourself: you are obviously using yours to share and glorify God. : ) (Great reminder of what's really important - great post).

  2. That post brought tears to my eyes - and opened them. We are all a work in progress...Thank you, my friend!


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