Monday's Memory of Mom

March 31, 2008

My mom made my bouquet for one of the happiest days of my life. :o)


  1. How lovely, Amy!
    Such a sweet memory....again. :)

  2. Marilyn@A Mixed BouquetTuesday, April 01, 2008

    So, sweet! I've seen the pic of you and Russ, but not with your mom. How nice...sigh.

  3. At one time, I was going to d a scrapbook of my wedding. I never got around to it, so I got al my wedding pictures out and looked through them for the first time in years. I had forgotten I had that picture of my mom with us.

    Seeing the boys was a shock for me. They were little!! I may post some one of these days.

  4. so sweet...what a precious memory!

  5. I do enjoy these peeks into your past. :-)

  6. That is such a nice picture of you with two loves of your life.


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