Word-Filled Wednesday

September 24, 2008

Come join the blessing of Word Filled Wednesday, where it's ALL ABOUT HIM.


  1. That really does cover the beginning and the end! Blessings.

  2. Blessed be the name of the Lord! AMEN!

  3. Blessed be His name, indeed! Awesome WFW!

  4. That is awesome, the combination of the ultra-sound picture and God's Word!

  5. Oh sweet sister Amy! What wonderful memories this brings back to my mind and heart!

    I'll never forget how excited I was when I saw both my precious boys first in a sonogram!

    Today, my oldest (who will be 16 in November) just got his driver's permit! We're so excited for him! Time sure does fly!

    Bless you sister,

  6. beautiful and amazing. Thank you for sharing this today.

    Blessings to you.

  7. Wow!!! What a creative photo. Thank you!

  8. Thanks for stopping and sharing your kind words. I love this meme. It makes me really think. I am always so blessed by everyone's pictures and verses, as well. I am so glad Marilyn (A Mixed Bouquet) shared this meme with me. :o)

  9. I love this photo and verse, Amy! It's my favorite by far!

    I'm grateful that the Lord allowed me to "stumble upon" this meme. :D

  10. Wonderful photo and verse! What a different view! Thanks for sharing.


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Grace and peace to all of you!

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