My first scrap book page

October 20, 2008

Copyright ©2008 by Tracey aka Sox - Aussie Scrappers
Designs for digital-scrapbooking and Signature tag making


  1. What a cutie! Oh, and your scrapbook page suits the pic perfectly. Well done.

  2. How precious! I love the colors you used.Do me a favor and explain digital scrapbook pages? You don't print them, do you? Don't tempt me to begin a new hobby, please.

  3. Yes, you can print them and place them in a book just like paper scrapbooking. Or not, if you don't want to. To share them on the web or via email, I saved it with a 72 dpi (dots per inch). The print copy is saved at 300 dpi. I created it 12" x 12", but if I were to print it, I would resize it to 8" x 8" so I can print it on 8" x 11" photo paper.

    Tempted yet?? *wink*

  4. Cute! I've always done traditional scrapbooking, but this is mighty cute. Hmm, I may have to play around with this, too. ;-)

  5. It turned out really cute. Yes, I'm tempted but just don't have the time right now. I'll just keep looking at yours!! :-)

  6. This looks fantastic; adorable picture with just the right layout and embellishment.

    I especially like the ivy and bird!


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Grace and peace to all of you!

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