Reorganizing and stash playing

August 9, 2010

Last week, I bought a new-to-me desk from Stuff Etc with the intention of making into a sewing table for my Viking, but ended up liking it so much I decided to rearrange my living room so I could use it as my computer desk. The drawers are huge!! I will fix it up one of these days...

The few precuts I have and some stash I bought from Natalia of Piece N Quilt all tucked in the bottom drawer.

My old computer desk became Reagan's. He has more room to spread out and do his schoolwork here.

Where Reagan used to have his laptop was at the end of the dining room table that I use for my sewing center. Now that he has his own desk, I can have my Viking on the end of the table and she is ready to use when I need her. It ended up being a win-win all around!

One of the many fun treasures I received in Natalie's stash was some Moda Turnovers. I'm making them into pinwheels with plans to make a baby quilt or something out of them.

These blocks were already sewn into strip sets by Natalia, so I added the Moda marbles Jelly Roll strips that were in the stash box in between them to make a start of a baby quilt. It only needs a couple of boarders to make it a bit larger.

It's been a lot of fun playing with new-to-me fabric and this is only a small portion of what was in the box. I meant to take pictures, but got all caught up in sorting it and putting it away that I forgot.

Have a great day!! It's hot, hot, hot here in Iowa and I plan on staying inside and doing some more playing with fabric.

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