10 years ago...

August 19, 2010

...I married my best friend...

Today, he took the day off and planned a day away for us. Our destination, Dubuque.

We visited several thrift stores, including my mom's favorite Goodwill store.

We enjoyed shopping at The Cotton Cabin, where Rusty bought this quilt kit of 1930's reproduction fabric for me. My favorite. ❤

We ate lunch at the famous Breitbach's restaurant. You can read more here. They have a fascinating history and the food is fabulous!

The views are stunning in this area of Iowa....

Russ did some more dreaming. This time it was a Goldwing. He LOVED it! The road was way too busy for my comfort level to ride with him. I have a couple of friends who own one, so I hope to talk one of them into taking me for a ride to see if I can ride one without being anxious. I had a bad experience on a motorcycle at one time which has caused riding with Russ impossible, thus he is looking at motorcycles that are quiet and have a big comfy seat in back in hopes I will be able to ride again.

Our last stop was J.T. Haderway...I had to take a picture of this place setting. You see, my mom wrote the card for it when she worked there. She's been gone for 4 years now. It's nice seeing a piece of her still at J.T. Haderway's.

I couldn't have asked for a better gift than to have my hubby all to myself...


  1. What a wonderful day you had! Go Goldwing!!!!!

  2. ...and OH! Happy Anniversary!!!

  3. Go for the Goldwing!!! I didn't know the restarant had been rebuilt after the 2nd fire. We have eaten there twice when that direction. Happy Anniversary, dear friend!!

  4. He sounds like a real keeper, Amy! ;-)

    I loved your scenic pictures. I've only seen Iowa as we were driving through it three autumns ago. Mike and I both thought it so lovely, with the rolling green hills and white farmhouses galore.

  5. Love your blog!

    I would love to get your comments and perspective on some of my recent entries. Feel free to stop by when you have a little time!


    God bless!


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