10 Whole Years

August 19, 2010

10 years ago today I married my best friend...He took me on a day trip that you can read about on my other blog, A Redeemed Sheep. He loves me enough to take me to a quilt shop and let me browse to my hearts desire. And, he bought me some beautiful fabric!

I don't want to open it. It looks so cute all folded up like a present...

If you are ever in Dubuque, make sure you check out The Cotton Cabin. It's a charming, charming store...



    What a sweet hubby you have, to not only take you to a quilt shop, but to buy you some fabric too? WOO HOO............He's a keeper! :> )


  2. Ahhh...you are just like me! I have a couple gift baskets given to me by my quilting friends that are still intact after 'how many' years! I also have fat quarter bundles and jelly rolls I don't want to cut into because they are 'pretty'!

  3. Congratulations!!
    We meet two kinds of 'quilting' husbands on the road....there are those like yours...and then there are those who tell the wife...."You don't need anymore fabric. Let's go!"
    I like your type!! Not like I'm in the business to sell or anything!!
    Celebrate....10 years is amazing!

  4. Awwww; congratulations! And what a GREAT present from your hubby!


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