Tea Towel Makeover

August 21, 2010

I received 4 ginormous tea towels from my husband's favorite aunt. I believe she made them when she was newly married and then never used them. I've had them for a while and have been trying to decide what to do with them. Today, I decided....

A great beginning on a wall hanging!


  1. Amy this is a cute idea. I remember hand embroidering cups and saucers and plates and silverware for my grandmother. Wonder where they are? HMMMMM! Chris

  2. OH!! YOUR SO SMART!!! I love it!!

  3. This is wonderful, has auntie seen it ? She will love it !

  4. I'll be showing to Aunt Poochie tomorrow. =)

  5. I'm currently doing a similar project, using handkerchiefs that are approx. 90 years old - quite the challenge and fun at the same time!

  6. I would love to see them, Janette!

    I showed Aunt Poochie today. I found out that Russ' grandmother made them for her when she got married. It makes them all the more special because Grandma Nebel went to be with Jesus last week and today was the visitation.

    I've decided to hand quilt this piece...

  7. I just love this project - thanks for sharing it!

  8. I absolutely love how your repurposed those tea towels. Beautiful work!


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