Odds and Ends

May 3, 2012

A couple more Swoon blocks are finished. The points are not perfect, but I am calling it good. 

For those who would want to know, I have found that pressing the seams open is the way to go with this block. There are so many seams and no easy way to know which way to press them to get them to lock or nestle. Open makes a much flatter and nicer block. Just my 2 cents. =) 

I bought a few yards of fabric in Kalona and forgot to share. The Pure fabric is decorator weight and it was 1/2 off. Whoop! It's such nice fabric...The batiks are the beginnings of my collecting to make a New York Beauty quilt. I really loved that quilt in the show and want to make one. Yes, I confess I have been dreaming about that quilt. 

I found these beautiful blue knobs at an antique store. I haven't decided what I am going to do with them quite yet. I am thinking of using them as ceiling fan pulls in my kitchen. 

I suppose I had better get back to making more Swoon blocks. =) Three down, six to go...


  1. Your blocks are wonderful and I really, really am loving the prints.

    blessings, jilly

  2. love the color of your new fabrics. so bright will make a gorgeous quilt!

  3. Wow, you are working so fast with the Swoons!! Beautiful! Love the knobs!! Happy sewing!! xo Heather

  4. That first one looks like something my grandma had in her linen closet. Love those knobs, and I think that's a perfect idea - to use them as ceiling fan pulls!

  5. Oh Amy I just love these blocks. I love the fabrics you chose. It makes me want to reconsider jumping on the swoon wagon and making one for myself.

  6. Amy, Blocks look great. I like this block pattern. Hope you are having fun with them. Chris

  7. Your swoon blocks look great! I love those blue knobs, what a good idea to use them on pulls!

  8. You are half way there! Love the blocks. Those really cute knobs would make perfect pulls for your fan.

  9. Hi Amy ~ great job on your Swoon blocks! I have the button on my sidebar, the fabric to use, and the incentive...but have just been too busy to start swooning! REALLY like those knobs!!

  10. Just made my first swoon block, and I was thinking about pressing seams open but now that I have confirmation that is what I will do next. I was a bit disappointed with my points but it is definitely the bulky seams and large scale design which make it more difficult (a bad quilter always blames her tools!)


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