Sweet Friday...

May 11, 2012

I am so glad it's Friday!! Russ has been home late all week due to taking a refresher course he is taking on motorcycle safety. The class takes Friday nights off and resumes on Monday. Only a few more late nights to go. =) 

I have no trouble keeping myself busy....I got out my 30's bin and dug around. I had forgotten about these orphan blocks I made with left over HST's last year. After playing around, I settled on this layout and made a small baby/stroller blanket or table topper. All from scraps, which is fun. 

The backing is fabric I bought at an estate sale last year. 

Last week I made a tote bag for a gal at church. It was the first time I put a zippered pocket in a lining for a bag. It was very easy! Don't be afraid to try. You can find a great tutorial on how to do this on Melissa's blog Happy Quilting. 

Please remember to keep Pat and her family in your prayers. This will be a very difficult weekend for them and for the many other mom's who have empty arms due to the loss of a child. 

Thanks, my friends....


  1. Super colors! Does a 30's bin mean that you started them in your 30's or the fabric is from the 30's? You are super motivated, I am so impressed with how fast you are putting things together. I just love the size of this, would be really cute on a table top.

    Happy Weekend!


  2. Gorgeous 30's quilt Amy! Such fun and happy colours :)
    Jessie, xo

  3. Oh, I am loving your beautiful 30's quilt!! Those are some of my favorite fabrics!! Happy Friday!! xo Heather

  4. The 30's quilt is lovely, but I have to verbally admire the tote bag! Namely the fabric...I just love it. Great job!

  5. I lOVE the prints on your little quilt! How have you been???? I miss you! I hope I get to hop on here more often... Bettina and I still include a special Amy in our prayers. :) Have a happy Mother's Day!

  6. Love that quilt. What a cute bag. Love the fabric on the inside.

  7. wow the bag's wonderful! love the fabric. and the quilt is so fun! wonderflu work my dear


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