Still stitching....

August 27, 2012

Pretty threads in a jar....

First block of Circles of Life project. Pattern can be found in Jenny of Elefantz's shop.  

I'm almost done adding the blanket stitch to this project. 

Monday means laundry and I had better get back to it! =)

Have a great day, everyone...I may not be commenting, but I am reading your blogs. =) 


  1. so pretty!! i love your stitching!

  2. Beautiful! I love your stitching.

  3. Such beautiful stitching!!! Happy Monday! xo Heather

  4. Went to the Mn State Fair and thought of you; lots of quilts! Probably more than I have ever seen!! YOu would have had a blast!

  5. I collect my threads in a jar, too! And, when my jar is full, I make a rag doll and use the thread for stuffing.

    homemakerhoney @gmail .com

  6. Oh I am in LOVE with all of your projects. I am SEW behind in all things....praying for moments of time to catch up. But in the meantime I can just enjoy what everyone else is doing (G)!!! XXX

  7. Your needlework is just the best!! Love looking at it!!


  8. All your projects are beautiful! LOVE the sweet little birdie! :)

  9. Love these! I wish I had managed to get a kit, but at the very least I'll be grabbing a floss kit and the pattern!


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Grace and peace to all of you!

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